chapter 2

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James Brown (jm)

(Ten years ago)

When we can't change the decision my grandfather had, we end up of agreeing on one of my father request.

"If we can't change what is the decision had done, I only had three request. " I feel how sorry my father is and I can't blame him, he fight for me till end.

"Oh say it son, maybe we can agree with that. " my grandfather still on his authority even though my father is the CEO of the company, after all my father respect him so much as we respect our dad.

"Okay, first let's give them a freedom within 10 years, because this two young man is to young to push them so much, let's let them know the world first. Second in that ten years we don't interfere their life decision. Third, during the ten years of freedom if one of this two young man get their selves a partner on their own and it was acceptable to both of family then let us give it to them and the traditional agreement never affect to both of them, because that finding their own partner is within that ten years if lent of their freedom. " it is some kind of difficult to pass on my grandfather but that is the only way I can get my short freedom to find something for myself, and even that stone man can find his own life.

"I think it was pair enough grandpa, after all JM and JK can't decided for them selves because of that traditional agreement, at least we can give them a freedom in ten years to know things, if this two won't find someone then let us proceed to the tradition, to continue the tie of business and politics in our family. " Sag added to convinced our old man.

"Mr. Martin do you agree on it? I think it is good for both of this boys, and during that years they need to proved themselves to us, if they can handle the responsibility in the future. " I already see the result.

"Of course after all this two are still a students, I think it is good for both of them to know each other. " I breath freely now only I can do now is how to make my life in that ten years.

"You Jake do you agree on this? And you son Jm are you fine with this?" My grandmother ask me and the mute guy, this man never give any words of disagreement or any reactions, but this moment he raise up his hand.

"Thank you for asking us now, about this three request, after all of the decision had done by the old people. For me marriage is not a big deal, to any sexuality as long as the other party was agreeing on it base on the reaction he has I think he never know anything about this things, for this request of the father I think it is quite reasonable for both of me and my future wife? Husband? Whatever.... After all he was to young and I think he need to experience the word before anything else. " this man get into my nerves, how Dare he calling me a wife.

"For me it was kind of reasonable as he said. After all you people tell us about it just now. I think ten years is long enough for me and him to know our selves and build our life, to proved our worth. I think I had nothing can say at all and let see what will happen in that ten years. " I flatly answer.

That family gathering has done I directly walk away without any formal words, I don't want any body around, all I want is to be alone in fact I already book a cub to bring me to a place where I can find my peace, I want to cry, I want to shout my disappointment. In one beach resort I check in, I even turn off my mobile phone.

I walk on the sea side take a big deep breath to full my empty heart, I feel suffocating and it is my first time to feel this feeling I cry in a silent way. I look at on the last sun rays of the waving his good bye to, like the freedom I had.

I seat down on the beach side with the bottle of beer on my hand, at first how I hate this taste but now I want to live my life for this. It was my life I enjoy it before, but from this day this life is never be like same as I live before, 'why need to be me? Why they we need to had that old traditional agreements from the old people? Why they proceed this kind of things even they know we are all men? What will happen after that ten years? ' I ask my self.

I ask my self with that questions, but the questions will remain as a questions for now, because all I know I wanted to live my life to the fullest in that ten years,  with a hope that I can find a woman to be with me during that days that person will be my savior from this misery.

'Self think of it, things happen with a reason and purpose, maybe you never see what it is now but tomorrow you will find the reason why it happened on you. ' I stated on the air with my heavy breath.

The darkness of the night is covering the last Ray of the sun, and the little lighting in the sky in this in summer night start of twinkling on the dark sky, that shows me a little light, and it was decorated beautifully. 'How I hope this starry night with a beauty, is same as my dark night inside me. ' I sip on the battle I hold enjoying the taste, and lay my back on the sand so I can get a bitter view of the  sky.

... To be continue...

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