Chapter 18

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"We also found letters

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"We also found letters." Francis says making my attention turn back to him.

"Letters?" I say confused. What's so interesting about letters.

"Yes," Francis points to the black box next to me sitting on the coffee table.

I lower Salt to the floor and he runs away disappearing behind the door. I open the box and to find a bunch of black letters lined up in perfect order.

All marked with dates in Jennie hand writing the letters going back to two years ago our senior year of high school.

I open one of the letters the date more than a year ago and I start reading.

Jennie my Beautiful Doll
You look stunning standing there on the stage, though you should have gotten 1st place.
You worked harder then Emily Stevens.
It should have been you that won.
It should have been you.
I saw the hours you worked the dedication.

I'll avenge you my doll, my Jennie.
I'll be the one to bring you the victory you deserve.
With Blood.
With Screams.
With Pain.
You'll get your revenge.

Your Secret Admirer.

Emily Stevens? Why does her name sound so familiar?

"Francis search up Emily Stevens and give me a report on her."

"Emily Stevens?" He nods and walks away to get me the information I want.

I pick up another letter and start reading, the first letter he or she has ever sent Jennie.

You don't know who I am but I know who you are.
And from my view you are stunning.
The most beautiful girl I have ever seen.
With the kindness you show.
The smile you give.
I have fallen for you.
I hope to see you again, I hope to see the kindness you have shown me again.

Your Secret Admirer.

So he or she has been watching Jennie, observing Jennie but for how long before he or she started sending the letters.

Does Jennie know them?

I pick up another letter the more recent letter, it doesn't seem to have a date on it like the others.

It's also hasn't been open, she hasn't read this letter.

I grab my pocket knife from my shoe and open the letter, placing the knife to the side when I'm done I open the envelope and take out the letter.

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