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"Jennie!" I yell, catching her before she hits the ground.

Her dress covered in blood, you could hardly tell that dress used to be blue. Her face pale and lose of any remaining colour she possessed. Her body cold, almost like she's dead.

But her pulse still beats, barely but she's still alive.

"Francis!" I yell. "Francis!"

"Yes, Young Master." Francis says behind me.

"Get me the fucking doctor, now!" I yell.

"Are you hurt young master?" Francis asks.

"Francis get me the fucking doctors now!" I say again as Jennie's body starts to shake.

"Jennie?" Francis says seeing Jennie's body in my arms. "Oh god." He says as he hurries away.

I take off my shirt and start putting pressure into her stomach, did she fucking take out a knife?

What happened to her?

Her dress was torn and her blood spread everywhere.

Still applying pressure, i gently pick her up and start moving her to my room.

Elizabeth the head of the American mafias doctors run towards me with a ER bag.

"I'm here sir," Elizabeth says,

"What took you so fucking long!" I say, I never yell without a reason but with Jennie in my arms on the edge of dying morals are thrown out the window.

I walk towards the elevator next to the stairs, Elizabeth trialing aside me. Putting pressure on Jennie's stomach while also checking her pulse.

"What happened?" She asks.

"I don't know?" I reply. "She has a stab wound on her stomach and a bunch of bruises and cuts all over her." I says.

Elizabeth nods and quickly calls for more staff on her phone as we reach to the third level.

As soon as the elevator doors open, I hurry to my room, Elizabeth opens my door and moves the bedsheet to the side as I lower Jennie down as lightly as I could.

"I'll have my medical staff bring my stuff over, I'll try to do the best as I can." She says.

"I want her alive Elizabeth. If she's dead so are you." I say.

"I'll try my best sir, but please sir could you leave the room." She says, I nod and walk out with Francis trailing behind me.

"What do you think happened?" Francis's asks.

"I don't fucking know? Francis but frankly whoever fucking did this to her I want his fucking head."

I'm burning with rage it fills my insides as the only thing I could see was red. Who would do this to her??

"Sir please calm down." Francis says.

I ignore Francis as I start walking down stairs many nurses run past me holding various types of equipment.

I pull out my phone as I head to my living room, dialling Autumns number after a few rings she picks up.

"Lucas hey." Autumns replies.

"Hey Autumn." I say faking a calm and happy voice, it's so easy and pathetic to fake a voice.

I don't understand how people can be so bad at it.

Just like how it's easy to manipulate people, from just the tone of my voice Autumn has no clue the rage I feel or how my fingers tingle with the thirst for blood.

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