Chapter 9

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In the early hours of the morning, before dawn hit and the rooster crow, everyone in the small cottage house had already woken and went about their daily chores, Luna, Bello and Grandpa Berto retrieved their spades and shovel from the small storage hut and made their way onto the fields.

When the first ray of sunlight hit the fields, Bella trotted to the edge of the area; she lifted her hands to her mouth, cupping them together as she spoke loud and clear to the three on the field.

"Breakfast is ready. Grandma said to come in and eat before it turns cold" Once Bella finished speaking, she lowered her hands and watched as the three-spoke among themselves for a few seconds before all three made their way towards her.

"What is she screaming about this early in the morning."

"Bello, leave your sister alone; she is probably calling us in for breakfast; let's leave these for now and come back after we've filled our bellies," said Grandpa Berto.

For the rest of the morning, Luna continued to work on the fields, getting rid of the already harvested vegetables and scrapping the leftover into one pile where it would be given to the horses and chicken to feed on. Once that was done, Bello brought out the seeds and planted them into the soil. Luna picked up the leftover vegetable pile and put it in a wooded bucket.

"Bello, Im going to bring these over to the horse. I will be back to help you with the seeds after."

"No, we've been out here since early morning. How about you take a break after feeding the animals? We can finish the rest later; I will follow you shortly after I've done this row."

"Alright, then I will go first."


After feeding the animals, Luna went inside the cottage house and washed up; grabbing a fruit from the fruit basket, he headed out again instead of going towards the crop field; Luna turned and walked east of the cottage house after only walking a few minutes, Luna stops under a huge willow tree its leaves hanging low to the ground.

Touching the tree, Luna used the small ladder that Grandpa Berto had built on the tree and claimed up to his favourite spot. Laying down on the large tree truck and closing his eyes, Luna felt the cool breeze and listened to the birds chirping above him.

"Hello, Luna"

"Mama, your here," said Luna opening his eyes and looking at the glowing person beside him.

"Sweet boy, I never left your side."

"Mama, there are so many things I wanted to tell you."

"I already know what you are about to ask me, Luna, Sweety. I want you to know I love you no matter where you are. I will follow you where ever you go."


"The man that you met is good. He is in so much pain and has been looking for you for so long. Now is the time for you to go with your destined one. I want you to trust this man the way you trust me. He will turn heaven and earth to protect you."

"Mama, who is he."

"Let him answer these questions that you have for himself. You have my blessing."

"I don't understand," said Luna. He continued to watch as the woman took his hand and placed her own on top of his palm touching palm. Luna's eyes widened, and a bright light appeared between their palm. After a few moments, the woman let go of her hand, picked up the item that had appeared on Luna's hand, and spoke.

"This will keep you safe; when you are in danger, it can help you." 

The woman leaned forward and wore the necklace around Luna's neck before speaking again.

"Hard times will befall you, my child, but you have nothing to fear with him by your side. Remember, Luna, trust him as you have with me." 

Luna listened to the woman's words, but his eyes were on the glowing pendant around his neck, fascinated at how beautiful it was. Luna looked up again to answer but realized that the woman had disappeared. Feeling frantic, Luna looked left and right while calling out for her.

In a split second, Luna woke up from his nap and shouted for the woman, only to realize he had fallen asleep. The conversation he had with the woman in his dream felt so natural, the heat of her palm as she touched his hand and her voice as she repeated her words repeatedly. 

Feeling a sense of disbelief wash over him, Luna touched his chest and felt the pendent hanging low below his collarbones. Luna was so immersed in his thoughts that he did not notice the two people walking towards him.


Startled by his name being called pulled him out of his odd predicaments; Lunana looked at the person calling out his name. Seeing the man standing beside Bella, Luna released a shocked reaction and tried to move forward, falling in the process, forgetting for a moment that he was up in the tree.

"Oh my, Luna, are you alright?" asked Bella as she ran and knelt beside Luna.

In the next second, another voice from his left asked him if he was alright; feeling embarrassed, Luna answered.

"I'm alright."

"Luna, you fell from a tree. Are you sure you're alright?"

Not wanting to show signs of weakness, Luna touched his ankle lightly, wincing from the pain and answered.

"Yes, I'm fine."

"Well, in that case, we should head back then", said Darq knowing very well that his little person was injured from the fall, but his ability to endure made Darq secretly smile.

"Why don't you go first and tell Ruby we'll be there soon."

"Of course."

Luna watched as Bella made her way back to the cottage house. It wasn't until large hands unexpectedly pressed on his ankle that he let out a small cry.

"You've twisted your ankle from the fall. It will take a few days to heal. Can you get up?"


Darq held Luna's hand as they both got up from the ground; Luna used his other foot and put all his weight on it before speaking.

"Thank you, my lord."

"Can you walk, or would you like me to carry you inside?"

"No, thank you, my lord, I can manage."

Using the tree for support, Luna steadies himself before slowly starting to limp, moving further away from Darq. Not hearing the footsteps behind him, Luna whipped his head around and noticed the man still standing in his spot, smirking at him with his arms around his chest.

Luna looked on at Darq as his foot continued to limp forward. Without looking at what was in front of him, Luna stepped on a piece of twig, making him lose his balance and fall to the ground.

In the next instant, muscular, solid arms picked him up from the ground and carried him back. Luna's plea to be put down turned on deaf ears as Darq took giant strides towards the cottage house.

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