Chapter 5

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"We have to walk," said Bello jumping off the carriage. He then turned to Bella and helped her down.

Luna walked around the carriage towards Bella and Bello before saying.

"It's getting dark. We need to hurry. Grab only the necessary items for now, and we'll come back for the rest tomorrow."

Walking on the road, the three siblings hurried in their footsteps as the sunset made everything dark. Without any light, the three continued to move forward without delay when laughter could be heard coming from in front of them, blocking their path.

The three siblings grabbed onto each and huddled up, forming a small circle. Suddenly, a bunch of masked men came out of the woods, one by one they surrounded the three in the middle.

"Haha, what do we have here? Fresh meat I smelled." said one of the men in black.

"Our boss will certainly enjoy you. Especially this one here," said another man coming to stand a few steps away from Luna, using his blade to pick up the end of Luna's hair, sniffling it.

The other men all started laughing at what their comrade had said.

"Who knows, maybe when the boss had a taste, he might want to share it with the rest of us."

A roar of laughter exploded in the quiet of the night.

While all the men were laughing at their jokes, Bello signalled to Luna and Bella. The moment his eyes blinked, all three broke off into a run, breaking the barrier. Bella used her bread to hit one man on the head while Bello punched his way out. Luna pushes the person closest to him, making the man lose his balance and fall to the ground.

The three didn't get far, as they were quickly surrounded once more.

"You dare run on us" yelled the biggest man.

"Separated them so they can not escape."

Luna ran towards Bella and Bello when he was grabbed by one of the men and pulled away in the direction he had just come.

"No, let go of me, Bella, Bello."


"Luna, where are you taking him?"

"To be the bride of our boss. Imagine how much he will award us when we deliver this to him." said the man pulling Luna along.

Luna struggled to free himself from his captor, but the size of the two was too great, making the man pull Luna along effortlessly.

Suddenly, a beam of light was thrown toward the men standing close to Bella and Bello. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked for the person responsible for the attack. As everyone was looking, another powerful ball of light attacked the person holding onto Luna sending the man flying back a few meters.

Luna looked in the direction of where the attack came from when his eyes met with a pair of dark, fierce and cold eyes staring straight into his soul. With his foot rooted to the ground, Luna could not move as the figure in front of him slowly walked towards him, stopping inches away from him.

When the darkly mysterious man stood before him, Luna felt a bolt of light coming out through his body and disappearing into the man's heart. Then Luna heard the sound of a heart beating loudly in his ears, unable to explain what was happening to him.

Whether the sound of the heart beating was his own or the man's, Luna could not tell.

"Luna, watch out", yelled Bello from somewhere behind him. 

Luna did not have time to react as he was pulled into a warm embrace; the moment he made contact with the man, Luna let out a small gasp as his body sent out little electricity currents throughout his body, making him tingle all over.

The man held onto Luna as he leapt into the air hovering above the ground, sending another energy ball towards the man, hitting him head on making him fly a few meters back again.

Luna, hovering in mid-air, suddenly grabbed onto the man for dear life, afraid of the latter dropping him. 

"Relax, I will never hurt you." said the darkly mysterious man

After the man spoke, Luna opened his eyes and looked into the man dark eyes once more, feeling another wave of tingle throughout his body.

"Luna, where are you?" shouted Bello,

Only then did Luna look down and see all the masked men lying on the ground, beaten.

"Boss, will you come down? The coast is clear now."

Luna held on to the man once more as they descended. Once his feet touch the ground Luna break away from the man's hold and ran toward Bella and Bello, hugging them.

"Are you two alright?"

"I'm fine."

"Me too"

"Edgar and Bardo scour the surrounding area and see if there are more of them."

"Don't go anywhere; we'll be right back?" said Bardo towards Bello as the other winked before disappearing into the woods.

"Ruby, Orin, get the horses and the carriage."

"Yes, sire", replied the other male called Orin.

Once the other four disappeared to do the dark man's bidding, Luna turned to look at the man who was already looking at him with a longing that Luna did not understand.

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