Chapter 8

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Luna sat admiring the man's powerful and muscular back; the more Luna admired the man, the more he felt a stir in his heart, the kind he had never felt before. A feeling he had never experienced slowly rose inside his body, making Luna uneasy.

"Hold on tight."

Luna, lost in thought, came to his senses at the deep and loud voice of the person in front of him. At the sound of the horse neighing, Luna quickly grabbed the man's waist and held on for dear life as the horse beneath him galloped, leaving a reasonable distance from the group behind.

Having never experienced anything thrilling as he did now, Luna could not help but scream while hugging the man's wide waist tightening his hold.

"Whoa, easy there, boy," Said Darq pulling the reins on his horse.

Once the horse came to a trot, Darq turned his head back slightly and spoke.

"Are you alright?"

Luna opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out; instead, he just nodded, indicating that he was fine. Letting go of his arms that were entwined around the other waist.

A few seconds later, hooves could be heard coming their way; Luna turned his head to see both Bello and Bella's horses stopping a few meters away.

"Luna, are you alright," asked Bella

Luna did not have time to respond when Bello spoke in a questioning tone.

"What happened to your horse? It couldn't have been spooked that easily was it?"


"It was just a question, Bella; there is no harm in asking, is there," said Bello, his eyes landing on Darq.

"Your right, this is a good train and obedient horse, but sometimes even I can't tell what it's thinking or what it might do next," replied Darq.

Just as Darq finished speaking,  Bardo and Orin arrived closely behind one another.

"Well, at least you waited for us," said Bardo looking towards Edgar and Bello with a pout.

"Let us continue on your way. Are we nearly there" Asked Ruby

"Yes, keep heading straight on this path", answered Bella.

Patting the horse's neck, Darq picked up the reins and clicked his tongue, urging the horse to move forward again. One by everyone, everyone followed closely behind.

As they rounded the bend to their house, Luna, Bella, and Bello jumped down from the horse and ran the remaining few meters home, seeing both their grandparents waiting for them in their front yard, which had a flower bed on one side and a vegetable patch on the other.

"Grandma, Grandpa"

At the sound of their name being called, both grandma and grandpa looked at the directions of the voices. The moment their eyes laid on their precious children, grandpa tried to open the gate with his shaky hands and ran out to meet them, with grandma slowly walking behind him.

"What happened to you? When the sun had set, and there was still no sign of you, we got worried," said Grandpa grabbing them one by one and hugging them.

"You had us worried; did you know how worried we were? Your grandpa refused to have his supper unless he knew you lot were safe." said grandma

"Aye, this old lady, you were worried and couldn't stop complaining. What happened? Why were you late, and where is our cart."

"Grandpa, our cart lost a wheel; we ran into trouble."

"I should have looked at the cart before letting you into town with it. You said you ran into trouble. Are you hurt anywhere"

Just as grandpa had asked those words, his eyes landed on a group of people that merged from the road on their horse while another was driving their cart.

Seeing grandpa's line of sight, everyone turns their attention to the group of people behind them.

Darq jumped down from his horse and walked the rest of the way towards them, keeping a reasonable distance away.

"Grandpa, this is Darq and his people. They helped us out earlier," explained Luna

Grandpa Berto looked at the man standing before him; a strong sense of Noble blood ran deep in the young male with the way the man carried himself, and his manners showed that he was a man of high power and status. The urge to bow and give his respect to the person in front of him was very overwhelming.

"My Lord, thank you for saving them," said Grandpa moving towards Darq and getting on his knees as a thank you gesture.

But before grandpa reached the gravel ground strong hand stopped him and held him up.

"There is no need to be polite when one sees someone in need; it is only natural to help. Isn't this the main principle of the Kingdon of Snow-ton?" answered Darq.

"Whether it is a principle or not, my grandchildren's lives were saved by you and your people, and for that, we owe you our gratitude; if there is anything we could do to repay you if it is within my capability, please let me know and I will fulfil it."

"Since you insist may we come into your home and seek shelter for the night and something to fill our hungry bellies," asked Orin after pulling the cart towards the small group before him.

"Why, of course, please come in. Agatha here made her specialty today enough to go around."

"Well, in that case, please pardon our intrude," said Darq, his eyes landing on Luna again.

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