Chapter 3

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Credit to the rightful owner. For viewing purposes only, I don't own anything.

The hunter travelled for three days until he reached a small village far from the Kingdom of Snow-ton, wandering the streets of the village on his horse the hunter spotted a small inn. Tying up his horse, the hunter looked at the prince that had fallen asleep and made his way inside.

Walking to a vacant table, the hunter sat down, observing his surroundings.

"Welcome, sir. What can  I get you."

"Give me the house special."

"Coming right up, and here is your water."

"Thank you, please. Is there any place I can get a bottle of warm milk for this little guy here?"

"No worries, sir. I will bring some warm milk, but I'm afraid we don't have baby bottles."

"It's fine. Please bring me an extra spoon."

"Right away, sir."

The hunter unties the bundle from his chest and places the Prince on the nearby seat waking up the little Prince in the process. The hunter fed the prince milk bit by bit with a spoon until the prince let out a small yawn and fell back to sleep.

Once the Prince slept, the hunter grabbed his cutlery and began eating his food; observing the small in as the hunter ate, an elderly couple walked in with two tiny toddlers and sat at the table not far from him.

"Ugh, so tired today."

"I told you already that you should have stayed home with Bella and Bello. Why did you insist on coming to the market with me today."

"If I don't come and help you, I don't know when you will get everything done." replied the wife.

"Okay, enough of that, Bella; Bello, what would you like to eat today? chicken and mash."

The hunter watched the table beside him and signalled for the waiter to come.

"Is everything alright, sir?"

"Please tell me who those elderly couples are."

"Oh, that is Berto and his wife, Agatha. They are our usual customers and one of the few elders in this town. Everyone here knows of them and their kind deeds. Those two children with them, the couple found them huddled together when they were just babies on the streets before and  decided to take them in."

"Where do they live."

"They live on the outskirts of town. They farm for a living and bring fresh produce to sell at the market two times a week."

The hunter waited in the shadows and followed the couple home, keeping his distance to not scare them or alert them of his presence. After sunset, the hunter got off his horse and walked to the doorstep of a small cottage with a chimney on the roof and a large tree planted in the front yard decorated with beautiful rose bushes and lavender flowers on the fence.

Uniting the bundle, the hunter gently places the Prince on the ground with a hefty pouch of gold before knocking on the wooden door. Then made his escape into the shadows.

A few seconds later, Berto opened the door. He looked left and right before his gaze landed on the bundle. Berto looked at the baby for a few seconds before calling his wife.


"Berto, what is it? Why are you screaming? Who is at the door," asked Agatha who followed her husband's line of sight and saw the baby on the ground. She bent down to pick it up but was stopped by her husband.

"What is it now, Berto."

"Don't pick it up; whoever left it might be back soon."

"Berto, who would leave a child out on our doorstep only to return and take it? Look, they also left this. Whomever it was had already abandoned this child."


"No, but close the door and come inside."

"Yes, Ma," said Berto closing the door and locking it behind it.

The hunter stood in the shadows for a few more minutes before leaving.

"Good luck, my Prince."

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