The incident.. (charluca/ charlight)

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Kidnappee Luca and Levi AU

Charli pov

I was walking through the city, everything for Christmas was almost ready! It's my favorite time of year, but I haven't spent it alone ever..I usually had mom or dad.. or my boyfriend light.. I can't believe he broke up with me..

I decide to walk over to a bar, it should help my pain go away I walk up to the counter and stare at the bartender, his hair a white color I look at the guy next to me and mutter to him
"This guy looks a bit like a snowflake, don't ya think?" I say as I chuckle a bit noticing he also cracks a smile, the man had black hair and dark eyes,
"Hey Luca.. this girl thinks ya look like a snowflake," the man says slurring and chuckling
Luca turns around and places one hand on the counter then looking me up and down,
"what can I get you doll?" He says rolling his eyes
"Can I get a shot of tequila," I ask looking at him smirking "Sure thing," he says grabbing a shot glass and a bottle of tequila, he pours it for me and pushes it over by me "On the house," he says putting the tequila back down "Well whatdya know, he looks like a snowflake and acts like one," I say smirking as I hear him mutter something under his breath but I can't quite make out the words,

About 3 hours later

"Ma'am? Are you alright?" I hear a familiar voice say, I lift my head up and see Luca " Heya snowflake~" I say slurring my words, "Nope that's it, I'm cutting you off Charli." He says

" do you know my name.. I never told it to you..-" I say as I look at the man with fear, my eyes begin to feel heavy again
"Well Charli, never trust a stranger you meet at the bar," he says picking me up bridal style, I try hitting him and screaming for help, no one comes to the sounds. "Don't bother Charli, they're all gone, they went home and are mostly sleeping I'd be surprised if someone even heard ya." He says, I see a girl with blonde hair looking down at her phone walking by, "CALL THE POLICE," I scream to her, I see her look at me and Luca turn around in shock. The girl swipes on her phone as Luca opens his car door and sets me in the back seat, "You fucked up Charli." He said shutting the door then sprinting after her, when I don't see him in my sight anymore I pull myself to the door in the back seat trying to force it open, no luck.

About five minutes later I see the man with black hair walk out of the back door to the bar, I start banging on the window in the back and screaming for help, he walks over to the car and looks at me through the window and smiles, then I see Luca, he's carrying the girl with blonde hair, she looks knocked out,
"Unlock the door and place her in Luca, also give this one another dose, shes being to active.." the man said as Luca opened the backdoor to the car and grabbed me, "Sorry char.. it wouldn't have to be this way if you weren't so difficult. You could a just woke up there and I could a said you blacked out so I took you to my place.. but that man had to wake you up.." he said pulling a needle out and having the other man fill it up with a drug, " did you get the right dosage Levi? I don't wanna have another incident." Luca said to the other man "Yep, do you want me to hold her down so she doesn't get hurt?" Levi said looking down at me, my eyes filled with tears, "Hold her down." Luca said as Levi holds my arms down and my neck in one place so I don't squerm "Sh.. sh.. don't move to much.. we don't want this to kill you do we..?" Luca said injecting the fluid into my body, Levi let me go as Luca shut the backdoor to the car and put the stuff back in the trunk, I feel my eyes start to get heavy and the noises around me start fading. I can't sleep.. not yet.. I don't wanna be here..

But just then..I hear a voice.. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!?"..

It was light!-

Do u guys want another part or should I not continue It lol

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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Squad ships!!!!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang