Confused love 💕? ( Charvi)

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Charli POV

Today's the day in gonna confess to light for the 32468th time! This is the one! I can already tell by what type of mood he's in! He's gonna finnaly accept my confession! " Hey light~"  "hey Charli" " wanna go on a date!" " Let me think about it Charli. Ok I did and no." "What whyyyy!" " Because your a simp! And also because I don't like you! Now scram" I run away tears falling down my face tasting the salty tears as I run away from my problems

Levi POV

I see Charli rubbing her eyes " what happened this time Charli was it light again?" " Yes it was! He rejected me again!" " He's just not the right one for you Charli you need someone better whose always been there for you like Luca!" It's true I did have a massive crush on Charli but couldn't find the words to tell her " litsen Levi it's not really easy to get over light but maybe we could go get some ice cream Sense I already pre paid..." " Why not?" Me and Charli have a spectacular time I see something in her eyes I've never seen before it's looked like she was truly happy and her laughs are adorable just like her I love her and I always will as we sit down on the hill and watch the sunset I kiss her and she kisses me back! I knew that one of these days she'd like me back! The next day at school ( yes high school AU ) light comes up to us " hey Charli would you maybe wanna get food sometime?" " Oh light your so silly what a great joke you had! I can't even stop laughing" she walks off " you know light you had your shot many times but I took mine and now Charli is my girl so get used to it" he stands there straight faced and I walk off with Charli

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