*Soldier Keep On Marching*

Start from the beginning

Of course, finding Fett had been easy.

He was in a training session with a few other clones, hand-to-hand training sessions.

While he'd confess the man was attractive, he was perfectly happy with Savage and Kitster.

Fett had seen him coming, though continued with the current session.

"Didn't expect the Jedi to find me so soon."

"You'll find we're quite full of surprises." Anakin replied.

Jango almost snorted in amusement but he held that in.

The clone he was fighting was easily countered, Jango just stepped to the side and delivered a haymaker and then a roundhouse to the back, knocking him down.

Okay, the man was tough.



Shaak Ti walked swiftly, looking for one Kaminoan in particular.

Finding her, Shaak Ti slowed her pace to match the Kaminoan's.

"Pardon me, you are Taun We, correct?"

The Kaminoan looked to her and nodded.

"Oh yes. May I help you master Jedi?"

"Shaak Ti is fine. I was wondering."

She looked to ensure no one was eavesdropping.

"Where would one be taken should they be deemed... insufficient?"

Taun We had a look of realization as she turned to look down at the Togruta Jedi master.

"Wait, you are here to stop those barbaric proceedings?"

Shaak Ti nodded.

"That is half the reason."

Taun We smiled. She'd never liked decommissioning. Unlike most other Kaminoans, she quite liked the clones, and she didn't view them as some type of property or disposable object.

She also despised Lama Su.

Nala Se she was unsure of, as the chief medical scientist was more neutral towards the clones, though Taun We worried Lama Su may corrupt her given the chance.

She waved her hand, signalling Shaak Ti to follow her.

She led the Jedi master to a wing of rooms, all of which were used for decommissioning.

And she recalled two rooms still had the deceased bodies of clones in them.

The evidence was still very much there.

She gestured to one of the rooms, which was, stupidly enough, unlocked.

"You will see everything you need to see in here, master Shaak Ti."

The Togruta Jedi didn't know what to expect but, she slowly entered the room.

Immediately seeing a dead clone on a table, still strapped down.

Then a needle which no doubt had held a lethal injection.

She walked over to a computer terminal, and she went through it, searching.

Sure enough, records of every decommissioned clone.

One was decommissioned for a broken arm, another two for broken legs, a few for losing their eyesight.

Then some just because they were dating each other.


Well she'd uncovered it.

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