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"Ooo look at how cool that is!" Venom spoke in my head as we walked around the busy streets of Nueva York. Weird, but he was right we ain't in 'Kansas' no more.

Eyes stared at me, looking at me up and down due to my attire, I know my clothing isn't like everyone else's back at home but damn these people are judgy "everyone got a staring problem here" I grumbled as I pull my skirt down lightly fixing my breast in my lace top.

"It's because we look hot" Venom laughed "or that we look nothing like them in their weird basic clothing."

"Tell me about, if Sher was here, she would be having a panic attack" I laugh.

"Is it a bad time to say I'm hungry" he says as I roll my eyes.

"Horrible timing actually" I sigh as I glance at people around me, they didn't have phones like ours, not one bit, they were like pieces of glass with a bright words and see through in a way. In full honesty it just looks like what you see in a futuristic cartoon, some people even have holographic glasses setting a hologram in front of them as they move objects or text, it was amazing but scary at the same time. Many of the people's clothing had capes like you would see from comics, and some with grand head pieces. And trust me, more did not mean better sometimes, especially here.

As we walk down the large streets many levitating cars zoomed past by us as some were above us driving upside down, I felt the lights beam all around us, the noises loud, but it was the same as my New York, so it didn't bother venom and I as much. "We should probably head back to those abandoned apartments I doubt the money I have in my pockets will get us anything here" I sigh.

"Well, we don't know maybe it does, hey it can be antique so it can be more, right?" Venom asked as I shrug and scratch my head.

"God where the fuck are we?" I groan and look around me seeing a small white block, seeing others as people sit on it, I walk towards it and rest.

"I mean we can just sneak into a room at a hotel or something. Maybe rob some of the rich" Venom offered as I shake my head.

"Yeah, and then get seen? No thank you, we still don't know what's going on but what I'm thinking is that we are in the future, as much as everything is different I know my people in New York and all these hoes got that same attitude and if New York looks like this I'm assuming there aren't anymore people that look like us" I look at the ground and see it sparkle, I lay my head in my hands feeling stressed.

"Thinking? Aren't you a scientist? You're just supposed to know" Venom complained.

"Well right now I don't know, okay? I don't understand what's going on right now, we were sucked into a damn hole before I found out one of my best friends is someone, I wanted dead. So, excuse me for not fucking knowing everything when my brain is still trying to process what is happened to me not even a 2 hours ago" I raised my voice as he huffed.

"Sorrrryyy, I'm hungry and you know how I get when I'm hungry."

"I'm sorry that you're such a fat ass and can't keep your mouth shut for more than 10 minutes when it comes to food."

"... You don't have to be so mean you know?" he grumbles under his breath as I stand up again from the white bench, box? I don't know. I began to walk to what I suppose is a grocery store, the door being some type of hologram as well, as it opens in the middle.

I walk in, the extremely cold air hitting my body, I walk to the cookie section looking at something I can feed venom while we here without being noticed, I watch everyone scan their items in their cart already charging them, I guess without them needing to head to the register. All the boxes of cookies looking completely different, reading all the labels nothing seemed like pop tarts for Venom, I sigh looking around seeing an old lady looking at me.

Monster  (A Miguel O'Hara fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now