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   My breathing was unstable as I shoot my webbing building to building as the rain is pouring down on us "I'll get you; you piece of shit!" I yell, my voice booming loudly as Spider-Man looked behind his shoulder meeting my covered face, he turns around quickly moving faster throughout the air.

    "Get a hold of yourself! That thing that has attached itself to you is just using you!" Spider-Man screamed.

    "Did he just call me a thing?!" Venom spoke up for me, his voice booming loudly as the 'Hero' turns to the unknown voice coming from within me "I know that puny shit did not just call me a thing" Venom growled as he lunged us closer to Spider-Man.

    My body changed immensely since the Symbiote and I became host and parasite, my body stayed the same height due to my request, however my strength changed dramatically, to barely being able to do a pull up to lifting an entire car over my head like it was nothing and being able to lunge myself almost an entire 2 story house with just a bit of momentum.

I begin to go higher up the buildings trying to aim for him, and as I shoot my web higher and higher I look down till I finally see him close below me, I let go of the web in my hand and let my body fall towards his, by just a centimeter I was able to grab ahold of his ankle pulling us both down on top of a small building. I groan lightly feeling the pain ever so slightly as I adjust my eyes to my surroundings seeing Spider-Man slowly getting up from the ground. Quickly I get up grabbing ahold of his shoulder before launching him up to the sky before shooting a web latching on his back before pulling him roughly to the ground once again causing the small puddle of water barely forming causing a splash.

I was annoyed at just chasing him so seeing him not even make an effort to lift his hand in my direction irked me.

    "Fight" I growl looking at him as he hunches over in pain as I kick the side of waist hearing a crack due to my force. He shakes his head as I feel myself get more agitated by the second.

    "Fight!" I yell before grabbing him by the front of his suit lifting him up above me as I raise my fist.

    He didn't even flinch, he only looked at me in silence. Why? Why is he making this difficult?

    "I'm not going to fight you" he shakes his head as I see blood exposed through his suit, my heart tightens knowing the sight of it brought some emotion to me, I shut my eyes shaking off the feeling from before.

    "Don't be a coward and fight me" I tilt my head at him.

    Again, he shakes his head grabbing onto my arms gripping onto them lightly. I know what he was trying to do, I know he's trying to manipulate me to feel sorry for him, I felt my heart falter until I felt a sharp pain to my heart "Don't get all soft on me now, just kill him already" Venom spoke as I groan in annoyance.

    "No! Just shut up, he needs- he needs to fight" I hold onto my head.

    "I'm-I'm not going to" Spider-Man spoke lightly "I'm not going to fight you" he whispered as he still gripped onto my arm.

    "Ahh!" I yell and throw him on the ground "Fight!" I felt my eyes water, again he shakes his head till I finally felt venom take over our body as he began slamming my fist into Spider-Man's face repeatedly "You should punish him for what he did to you!" Venom yelled my lips moving on their own as tears ran down my cheeks, the mask covering my emotions. "Remember! Remember how I found you! You were all alone ready to end it all until I came around! Remember that remember how you were going to leave this world without getting back for what this so-called hero did to you! Don't falter! Not now and not ever!" Venom yelled.

I didn't deserve any of the pain I went through. The pain they probably felt when their precious 'Hero' didn't save them. No one deserved it and the bodies buried were all caused by him... by Spider-Man.

Monster  (A Miguel O'Hara fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now