Chapter 6: Jaundice

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Weeks had passed by since the school year began, and things seemed to be going well for the most part. For starters, Weiss had become less stuck-up than when she first arrived at Beacon. And majority wise, teams RWBY, JNPR, and ORCA had grown rather close as friends, often socializing with each other and eating meals together and such.

Currently, the three teams walked through the doors to the auditorium, where their combat classes were held, along with the rest of their class.

"I get why we have combat classes, but why are we always sparring each other?" Optimus asked as they walked in. This question had been burning in his mind after the first few combat classes this semester. "Aren't huntsmen just meant to fight Grimm?"

"Well, not really," Pyrrha replied. "Huntsmen and huntresses also help deal with any bandits or criminals. Though, the main goal is eradicating the creatures of Grimm."

"Also, while smart, the Grimm aren't as smart as people are, so fighting against other people would prepares us better, I assume," Ren commented.

As they all spoke, the three teams took their seats in the stands surrounding the stage area, allowing them to look down at all the action when matches started.

"I guess that makes sense," Optimus admitted as he took a seat next to his team before crossing his arms. "But, it still doesn't really sit right with me."

"I think I know a few people who would think the opposite," Blake replied. At this, everyone turned their heads towards a certain blond brawler who was currently cracking her knuckles, smiling a little in anticipation as she stared down eagerly at the stage.

Yang eventually noticed the others looking at her and raised an eyebrow. "What? I'm always itching for a fight," Yang admitted shamelessly.

"Is that why you trashed that club that one time?" Ruby asked, remembering her sister having caused some trouble in a nightclub in Vale not that long ago.

"You trashed a nightclub?" Weiss asked. Then she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Honestly, I'm not really surprised that you did."

"What can I say? I have a gift," Yang said proudly.

"A gift at fighting, or trashing nightclubs?" Airazor asked. "Or both?"

"Both," Yang replied with a grin of satisfaction.

It was then that Professor Goodwitch, the combat instructor, strode onto the stage with a tablet in hand. And as she did so, the auditorium fell silent. Out of all the teachers at Beacon, Goodwitch was by far the strictest of them all. In fact, not a single student could ever remember a time that they even saw Goodwitch smile, with some even thinking that it was physically impossible for her to do so.

Goodwitch looked around at the students, specifically those who didn't look like they were paying attention at the moment. And when she did so, the students she looked at sat a little straighter in their seats. Seeing everything in order, Goodwitch straightened her glasses slightly before letting out a sigh.

". . . Very good," Goodwitch commented as she took one last look at the gathered students. "We'll now start the Combat Class. As usual, I will call out two participants for the first match. So, please be prepared if you are selected." With that said, she turned down to look at her tablet.

Without looking up from her tablet as she typed in something, Goodwitch continued speaking to the class. "As you all already know, you are all here because you're expected to become the next generation of huntsmen and huntresses," she stated. "During your time at this academy, you will learn many skills that will not only be useful but also necessary for your careers once you graduate. And, while you all are already the best of your generation, practicing and polishing your skills is still a requirement. As you are now, none of you are ready to become actual huntsmen and huntresses."

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