Chapter 13: First Encounter

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In the ruined parts of Vale, the sound of tires screeching and an engine getting closer was heard echoing through the empty street. Suddenly, Yang, who wearing a yellow helmet, and Neptune both riding Bumblebee, a yellow motorcycle, turned the corner onto another street before coming to a screeching halt at the side of the road.

Yang took off her helmet, shaking her hair slightly, before turning to Neptune and gesturing to the building she parked next to. "Come on, my friend's right in here!"

Yang got off her bike, revealing Neptune with both his goggles and hair messed up along with a petrified look on his face, clearly never wanting to ride a bike, at least not with Yang driving, again.

"Cool . . ." Neptune replied, sounding a little dizzy before he shook his head, which somehow fixed his hair and goggles in the process. Then he got off the bike and looked around, slightly worried by where they were. "And where exactly is . . . here?"

Meanwhile, inside the building, which turned out to be a nightclub, the owner, Junior, stood behind the bar as he adjusted the cuffs of his sleeves with a smile as he looked around. Around the club, Junior's henchmen we're stocking bottles, carrying boxes around, and otherwise just standing around on the otherwise empty dance floor.

But then suddenly two of Junior's goons ran into the nightclub, clearly in panic.

"Hurry, close the door - she's coming!" one of the henchmen exclaimed as he and another person started to try and roll the doors close in time. Then, they tried to keep them shut with their bodies.

Seeing this, Junior walked out from the bar, not pleased by what the two were doing. "What are you two idiots doing?" Junior asked harshly.

Said idiots began shouting incoherently, but were interrupted when an explosion knocked both of them to the ground and forced the doors open. That was when Yang casually walked in through the smoke of the explosion.

"Guess who's back!" Yang exclaimed with a smile as she posed.

Without missing a beat, eight guns were pointed directly at Yang's face with an equal number of goons behind them. Yang didn't even flinch at this. But then Yang stopped and glared towards the recording studio where the track kept messing up, repeating itself over and over until finally the frightened DJ, who was wearing a bear head, peeked over the table and quickly took the needle off the record before he retreated back underneath the table to hide.

"Yeah, so could you define 'friend' for me?" Neptune asked as he walked up behind Yang, looking at all the guns pointed at the two of them.

"Stop, stop! Nobody shoot," Junior ordered as he pushed his way through the crowd of goons before straightening his red tie. "Blondie, you're here! . . . Why?"

"You still owe me a drink!" Yang replied as she walked forwards and grabbed Junior before proceeding to drag him through his henchmen, all of whom took a step back for their safety.

"Whoa-ho-ho-ho, what a woman . . ." Neptune remarked, lovestruck for a moment. But that moment didn't last long when he saw the twins, Melanie and Militia Malachite, standing next to him. "'Sup?"

""Hmph, whatever,"" both twins replied in unison before walking away with their noses pointed in the air.

However, what neither Junior, his henchmen, Yang, or Neptune noticed was that, in the rafters above, there was a certain child-sized machine with multiple arms and red eyes hanging from the ceiling as it sneaked its way around, watching Neptune and Yang before it let out a quiet hiss at the newcomers.

Freezer remained on the ceiling for a little while longer, paying close attention to the conversation Yang was currently having with Junior at the bar. Though, in all honesty, it seemed more like an interrogation rather than a conversation. After listening to them talking for about a minute or so, Freezer decided to take his leave, crawling along the ceiling until he reached a window large enough to crawl through.

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