3. introductions

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Grian's pov
It was chaos outside. Pure chaos. As soon as we got downstairs, a boy with wolf ears launched himself at the girl and they started play fighting. I heard the words sunglasses and hiding, so I assume the girl hid his sunglasses.

There was a cough behind us and they immediately stopped. They turned around and smiled awkwardly.
"Come on let's go." It was just xisuma.
After everyone got to the table keralis stood up and said " Guys let's welcome our newest member, Grian. Would like to come up here and introduce yourself?."

I went up and said some basic stuff like favourite colour and stuff along with why I was here that part wasn't normal but who cares. Everyone was chatting excitedly between eachother, I was told they didn't accept new members often. As I sat down, a group of girls walked up to me, led by the girl from earlier. They introduced themselves as

(For the sake of my sanity, let's just pretend they all have always been here)

• geminitay(gem), ginger haired girl
• false, pretty blonde hair, weird goggles
• pearl , longish brown hair with silver moon clip
•stress, the girl from earlier
•cleo, looks like a zombie

Followed was
•scar, a fun, clumsy looking guy
• mumbo, mustache guy
•Tango, the guy with the communicators
• zedaph, goat guy
• impulse, yellow and black obsession
•ijevin, a slime?
•Ren, the guy who was fighting stress
And a couple others

They all seemed really friendly and welcoming. I hope history doesn't repeat itself. I shook that thought away, there is no chance for them to get on this server. This was the hardest server to get through. I sat down and ate with everyone else, childish banter could be heard everywhere.

When we finished eating, everyone started to tidy up. Some clearing the table, some washing up others drying and putting dishes and a couple wiping down the tables. They acted like a family.

After that, we went our own ways. Mumbo went to work on his redstone (how on earth does that work?!). Stress and Gem went to bake some cookies and make some flower crowns. Xisuma went to check the code etc. I decided to start working on a base, I'm not fully healed but I think I'll manage. I was going to start with a small ship in a bottle as my starter base. I went and got some water breathing potions and started gathering materials.


Hours later, he finally finished getting the stuff (or so he thought) and went to the futuristic segment of the island. He decided that he was going to build his mega base on the water. He looked around for a couple minutes and found the perfect ship to start working on. Honestly, he has no idea how to build as his life was basically spent on a floating island in the middle of nowhere and the only experience was Evo, which is completely destroyed.

It took days of work, and some time to learn how to fly with an elytra and collect more material, but he finally finished and God it was amazing. Until he turned around and saw... a squidward and a pineapple conduit? What on earth? Um well he definitely thought it was strange but hey who's he to judge. Yeah he couldn't destroy it so... You know he just left it be , it is kinda funny.

At some point, he got bored, and what better thing to do when your bored, than
Play a game. Yeah he started a server wide game of tag. Except no one knew they were playing until they were it. Chaos. That's all it was, oh and a lot of fun obviously.

There were also a couple of groups the group architechs ( thanks CherryPi_51) Which is basically a redstone and building group with him mumbo and iskall. Then there was Team ZIT with zedaph, impulse and tango. Concorp with cub and scar.

Not long after, he started gathering stuff for his mega base. He wanted it to be really big and futuristic obviously. At some point, he wanted to make an automatic farm. It worked to some extent... Um part of the redstone didn't work and he had no idea why he was going to have to ask someone else to check. This was gonna be an issue but at least the farm is only temporary. He started the first layer, died a couple times. Tried to earn levels back but decided to flick a lever even though told not to and died again. To put it short, he could not refrain from pulling a lever.

By the end of the first season, he had decided this was safe enough for him to stay. All the people were so kind and accepting, this place was so unimaginably perfect. Maybe not exactly perfect in other people's eyes, but you don't see the flaws in the ones you love. I can finally rest, without fear of them returning, they can't break through.

??? Pov
Or so he thought. Everyone has a fatal flaw, maybe his was he lets down his guard too easily. He gets lured into a false sense of security and unintentionally brings harm to those he loves. I'm not entirely sure though, that may not be it or he could have multiple. Manipulation, is easy to master once you've got the basics. All you have to do is pull a couple strings, and done. They have fallen into you're trap, a fake smile, a friendly face when there is no one else for them, they let down their guard and they are vulnerable.

No one's? povs

It was a very exciting and fun season definitely, slightly chaotic but enjoyable nonetheless. They hope that all the seasons to come would be just a fun. Especially with he addition of their mysterious new member. But my dear friends, let's hope that they enjoy the time that they have and not to forget his relatives in the 𐌄ክ𐌃 oh... Looks like we're revealing too much, let's move on. We wish them the best with their future but, who knows what fate has planned except for 4119 and 579714, we do wonder who they are but alas that is not for us to know, we inform. Eventually everything will be revealed.

######'s pov
I will get you back, my love, and when that happens... let's just say I apologise. You'll be back, before you know it no matter what it takes. This time, you won't escape.

1100 again, I'm so amazing! And so are you!

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