Chapter 30: Rat Problem

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A/N: Hey, sorry for the wait. I've been dealing with a few family issues and have been resting for the past few days because I got hit by a car while on a coffee run lol. Anyway, enjoy this chapter and have a good day/night!


Alexis gently stroked Mutt's fur as her the truck bounced with each hole they hit along the road. To say the ride back to the Village was awkward would be an understatement. She sat in the front passenger side in front of Eva, who was fast asleep. Donna's gift from Karl was strapped to the back of the pickup truck. Riding back with Miranda was the last thing she wanted to do. She couldn't ride with the Dimitrescu's since their seats were full and she wasn't going to ask Donna for a ride since she might want time alone with her fiancée after her engagement party. The only thing that made the ride with Miranda a bit more bearable was the fact that Salvatore was in the backseat beside Eva and Mutt. At least she wouldn't have to make conversation.

She just stared blankly out the window, her eyes scanning the trees while occasionally stealing glances at Miranda all while faint whispers in her ear mocked her. However, the priestess didn't take her eyes off the road, almost like she was pretending Alexis didn't exist. She couldn't blame her, their earlier interaction was a complete mess.

As the minutes ticked by, large patches of snow became more and more frequent before the Village came into view. Once she was back at the Factory, she could throw herself back into her work to get her mind off of their argument from earlier that was playing on repeat like a broken record. It was the only thing she could think to do to distract herself from that day and the returning voices in her ear that sounded too familiar getting louder and louder with each passing second.

While staring out the window, she spotted a familiar figure walking along the road carrying a bag. She turned to the priestess, pointing at the man. ''I'll get off here.'' she said quietly. Miranda glanced at her for a moment, her pale blue eyes holding a kind of indifference before pulling to the side, startling the man. As soon as the truck came to a stop, she jumped out with Mutt following her before she could open one of the backdoors for them. ''Hey Garrett, what's with the bag?'' she asked as she closed the truck door while Miranda sped off without a word.

The man watched the truck drive away before turning back to his boss, smirking a little. ''Rat traps, rat poison and brand new wires.'' he said, which confused Alexis.

''What do you mean? We haven't had a rat problem in a while.'' she said, thinking back to the infestation they had last year. It took them almost three months to kill every single one and she was definitely not eager to repeat that process. 

''Well we do now. It's crazy, they just came out of nowhere. This morning, when the guys were coming in there was just rats all over our gear and some of it isn't even working anymore because the little bastards chewed through the wires.'' he sighed, obviously frustrated before looking down and finally noticing the extra company with his boss. ''Who's this guy?''

''This is Mutt.'' she said, resting her hand on the dogs head. ''I'm kinda stuck with them.''

Garrett hummed, nodding his head and looking down at the bag in his hands before looking back at the dog, his eyes lighting up. ''We could probably use Mutt for the rats.''

Alexis looked down at Mutt, who just stared up at her with their tongue hanging out of the side of their mouth. ''Maybe, but training them would take time and if the rat situation is as bad as you say it is we need to jump on this as soon as possible.'' she said, turning to walk with him back to the Factory.  They only passed by a handful of people, who all had the same looks of fear and disgust when they saw Alexis. She tried not to let it bother her.

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