Chapter 6: Father

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Miranda rested on the couch, silently reading to unwind from hours of research. It was around 2 a.m. and Alexis still wasn't back. She wasn't overly worried about her since she was confident that Alexis would be fine on her own. For a regular twenty-four-year-old human, she was tougher than most of the Villagers and was an excellent shot. 

Her mind wandered back to her research on enhancing the Cadou in order the find a far stronger, more perfect host than she could ever imagine. Thankfully, about an hour after Alexis had left the house, she received a letter from The Connections, the organisation that had created a creature called Eveline using a bit of Eva's DNA. They claimed that they may have found the perfect host for her. A child born of two people infected with the Mold produced by Eveline. When she received the letter, she almost didn't believe it until they said that family was in Romania and gave her the address. It wasn't too far from her isolated Village. She was tempted to verify the information immediately but wanted to tell Alexis where she was first so that the young woman didn't worry.

The blonde priestess heard the front door swing open and a gush of chilly air flooding the living room. Snapping her book shut, she got up from her seat and went to the front door. There she saw Alexis swaying from side to side and looked exhausted. Her braided hair was coming undone and her blue flannel shirt was beginning to slip off her shoulders.

Miranda immediately went to her side, wrapping an arm around her waist to keep her from falling over as she removed her boots. The young woman reeked of whiskey and a tiny bit of cannabis which was no doubt from Karl. 

''Miranda. I'm fine, I got it.'' she said her speech slightly slurred. She pressed her hand against the wall to kept herself upright as she removed her boots, still being supported by the priestess. Alexis leaned against the wall for a moment before pushing herself off the wall. 

''Let's get you upstairs and into bed.'' the woman said, helping the woman up the stairs. Alexis was still swaying and stumbled a bit but she was able to walk relatively fine. However, Miranda wasn't going to risk it with the woman being under the influence as well as exhausted.

''Gee, didn't know you wanted me that badly.'' she said through a yawn. Miranda just rolled her eyes and helped her into the room and onto the bed. 

Alexis let out a breathy sigh as soon her head hit the pillow. She immediately snuggled into her scarf, holding it close to her. ''How was your day?'' she asked in a sleepy tone.

''It's was good but I have some information I need to verify.'' she said, carefully undoing her braid so that her hair could flow freely. Miranda heard her hum as she ran her finger through her soft black and white hair, getting rid of any knots she came across. The priestess continued to play with her hair for a bit longer before pulling her hand away, thinking that Alexis had fallen asleep. 

However, Alexis grabbed onto her wrist and pulled her closer, obviously not asleep yet. ''Don't go... stay with me.'' she mumbled with her eyes closed. 

''Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere.'' she whispered, pressing a kiss on the back of her hand. Alexis began snoring in a rather soft manner, completely falling asleep. Miranda couldn't help but stare at her, admiring just how beautiful she looked. She didn't care if she had scars on her face, she was perfect to her. 

Perfect in every way to her.


Alexis groaned as the sun shined in her eyes, pulling the blanket over her head. She didn't want to left the warmth of the bed Miranda shared with her. All she wanted to do was sleep, her head buzzing with a painful dull throb. Rolling over onto her side, she reached over to Miranda's side of the bed, intending to cuddle into her in an attempt to return to sleep, but she didn't feel Miranda there.

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