Chapter 17: Escape

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Alexis's head hung low, her chest rising and falling heavily with each painful breath. Blood was dripping from her head, mouth and nose. Her face was covered in bruises. There were angry, bright red blotches on her stomach from the car battery that Roxane had brought back a few times when she still refused to talk. Her wrists were bruised and caked in dry blood due to the constant friction of trying to escape her bindings.

That when she heard the familiar sound of boots against the cave floor. Looking up with a blank stare, she watched as Roxane walked into the wall tent. In her hands, she had a bowl, a bottle of water and a clean cloth. Alexis didn't say anything as the woman approached, showing her some sort of stew inside of it. The woman glared at the soldier suspiciously. Roxane didn't say anything and pressed the rim of the bowl against Alexis's lips to which she moved her head away. However, the soldier persisted and continued trying to get her to eat. In response, Alexis managed to move the chair enough to knock the bowl out of her hands, spilling the contents on the floor.

The soldier sighed before taking of the cap of the water bottle and offering it to the woman. Alexis turned her head away, refusing the water. Sighing, Roxane took a sip of the water, swallowing and showing her that there was nothing wrong with the bottle. Alexis just watched as Roxane brought the bottle to her lips, only taking a small sip before refusing to take anymore.

''At least you're not going to die of dehydration.'' she said with a sigh. Alexis didn't say anything and watched ever little move Roxane made. The soldier poured some water onto the cloth before bringing it up to Alexis face cautiously. When Alexis didn't attempt to resist, she began dabbing her face with the damp cloth, cleaning away any dried blood without irritating her wounds. 

''Look, I don't want to hurt you. I know you don't believe that, but it's the truth.'' she said in a strangely tender tone. ''I think you're a good person, just caught up in a bad situations. I do want to let you go, I really do. I mean, what did you even do to deserve this?'' she said, gesturing to her.

An imagine of her sister's head flashed before her eyes, causing her to squeeze them closed. She took in slow breathes to keep herself from crying in front of the woman who had captured her. 

''Something bad happened to you, hasn't it? Is that why you're like this?'' she questioned. ''If you answer my questions, I'll stop hurting you and let you go, I promise.''

Roxane watched as Alexis's expression softened as she looked at her, seeming to consider her words. Her green eyes sparkled with success when Alexis's mouth opened as if she were about to speak. That's when her teeth snapped towards Roxane's fingers, causing her to recoil and shout in surprise.

''Ai sărit ca o cățea (You jumped like a bitch)!'' Alexis laughed. 

Roxane looked up at her with a strange grin. ''You... you think that's funny? I'm about to be fucking hilarious.'' she said, getting up and kicking Alexis square in the chest, sending her crashing to the ground. Jolts of pain shot through her wrists as she landed on the rough ground. 

Alexis groaned as Roxane marched out of the tent. Quickly, Alexis started trying to desperately wriggled out of her bindings. Within a minute, Roxane came back in with a large jug of water but not car battery. Frantically, one other soldier followed her into the tent as she quickly made her way to Alexis. 

The woman straddled her chest in an awkward position before pulling the damp cloth over her face. Before Alexis could try to get the cloth off of her face, it was dosed with water. Alexis eyes widened as she failed to take in any air and she started to panic. She trashed violently, her lungs felt like barbed wire wrap was wrapping around them.

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