Chapter 10: Bed Rest

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(A/N: Hey, I just wanted to say that I apologize for not updating frequently but I do value the time you take to read my stupid little stories. But the updates may take a bit longer for me to upload since I have some family stuff I need to take care of.

I hope you all have a good day/night!)


Miranda paced anxiously, having not slept the night before. It was around six in the afternoon and Alexis still hadn't returned. She had been having second thoughts about allowing Alexis to leave to get the blood sample instead of her. All she wanted was for Alexis to return and just hold her.

She sat down and held her head in her hands, her knee bouncing up and down with anxiety. Her mind was racing with different scenarios as to what had happened to her dear Alexis. What if the BSAA somehow captured her?

That's when she heard the front door open. Bolting from her stop, she rushed to the front door excitedly. Before she could greet the woman, her words got caught in her throat. Alexis had some snow flakes in her hair and on her shoulders. Down the side of her face was quite a bit of blood and her right bicep was dripping with blood. The bags under her eyes seemed darker and she was swaying from side to side like she hadn't gotten sleep the previous night.

As soon as Alexis saw the priestess, she gave her an exhausted grin. Before Miranda could say anything, Alexis held up a finger, wincing when she lifted her wounded arm too high. Silently telling her to wait as she reached into her pocket and pulling out the case with the syringe. ''Got your sample.''

Without a word, Miranda rushed to her and embraced her tightly. She heard Alexis huff before burying her face into her shoulder. They stayed like that for a long moment before they carefully made their way upstairs and passing by Monica. The two women made their way into the bedroom and onto the bed, which Alexis immediately flopped down onto while trying not to get blood on the sheets.

Miranda helped remove the woman's scarf and blue flannel, which Alexis grinned at. ''Undressing me already, huh?''

''You and your dirty jokes.'' the woman rolled her eyes before going to the bathroom and returning with a damp cloth to clean away the dried blood. Alexis stayed still and almost nuzzled into Miranda gentle hands a few times as she closed her eyes, almost dozing off a few times.

Once the dried blood was cleaned away, she began to clean up Alexis's injury with tender care. The woman winced a few times, jolting her awake but she managed to keep still.

Once her face was cleaned up, she moved to Alexis's arm. As soon as the cloth covered in disinfectant came into contact with her wound she winced and clenched her teeth. ''God! Fuck! Soak the whole damn cloth in that why don't you?''

''I have to clean it. I'm not risking you getting an infection.'' she said as she tenderly dabbed the cloth against her wound. Alexis winced a few times as she watched the priestess clean her wound.

''You know, you wouldn't have to do this if I had the Cadou. Who knows, I might even be ab-''

''We've been over this. You are not receiving the Cadou.'' Miranda said sternly as she continued to clean the wound. She wasn't about to get into this conversation again; she didn't even want to think about the Cadou at that moment. The only thing she was focused on was Alexis.

The woman shifted slightly. ''Sorry if I bleed on the sheets.'' Alexis muttered.

''I don't give a shit about the sheets.'' Miranda snapped, catching Alexis off guard that looked at her with wide eyes. The blonde took in a deep breath before leaning forwards and resting their foreheads against each other. Miranda placed her hand on Alexis's chest, feeling her heart rate slowly speeding up. ''I'm just glad you're alright.''

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