chapter forty-eight

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Luke is 15 months and 2 weeks. Its the month of February.

I shoot awake. I was in a cold sweat. I look next to me to see Liam still there. I relax.

I don't know, but for the past two months I've had the same nightmare where Liam leaves us. I don't remember how but he never comes back. And I'm scared it really happens.

" Mill, you okay?" Liam asks his voice raspy from the sleep.

" I'm fine. Just had another bad dream." I say.

" The one where I leave?" Liam asks.

" Yeah, that one." I say. Liam wraps his arms around me. He pulls me in closer to him.

" I promise I will never leave you or Luke. You are both the best things that have ever happened to me." Liam says. I press my lips to his nose.

" Thank you Li." I say. Liam opens his eyes and they met with mine. He smiles.

" What time is it?" Liam asks. I look at my alarm clock. It reads 8:36.

" 8:36." I say.

" How about I make you some tea. Does that sound good?" Liam says.

" That sounds great. I'm just gonna hop in the shower." I say. Liam kisses my lips. He pulls apart and I show a disgusted face.

" Ew, morning breath." I say. Liam smiles.

" You know you love it." Liam says.

" I don't." I say. Liam laughs. I pull away from Liam's grip and walk to our bathroom. I close the door. I look into the closet and grab two towels, one for my body and the other for my hair. I place them by the shower and I turn the shower on. I strip my clothes off and I place my hands on my small stomach. I look down at my stomach. I smile.

" Hi peanut. I know you aren't very far along, but the months will go quickly and next thing you know you are in my arms. You're gonna love your family. Your older brother Luke will take care of you, I promise. And your mommy and daddy will love you dearly. We will always be there for you." I say to my 2-month pregnant belly.

Yes, I'm pregnant again. Except I'm the only one who knows. I'm gonna tell Liam later today about me being pregnant. I'm kinda scared how he's gonna take it since he didn't want me to have another child till later.

I step in the shower. I placed some shampoo in my hair and washed my hair. I wash the soap out of my hair and did the same thing with the conditioner. I take my body soap and placed some on my little wash towel and carefully washed my whole body. I washed all the soap off of me and turned the shower off. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in the towels.

Once I was in the towels, I walked out of the bathroom and into our room. I walk to my dresser and pulled out some random sweatpants and one of Liam's old shirts. I threw them both on. I took the towel off my hair and dried it a little more. I walk back to the bathroom and grab my brush. I started brushing through my hair.

Once my hair was unknotted, I put my brush back in its place and I walk out of my room and downstairs. I found Liam dancing in the kitchen with Luke in his arms. Luke looks at me.

" Mama!" Luke squeals. Liam turns around to look at me.

Luke's first word, tehincally, was mama. I was so proud of it, but Liam on the other hand wanted it to be 'Dada'.

Luke makes grabby hands to me. Liam hands Luke to me. I hold him on my hip being careful with my two month stomach. I kiss his cheek.

" Did munchkin have a good slumber?" I ask. Luke nods his head.

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