Lv 14 Magical World

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Bluey and her friends decided to play another game of Block-Bot called Magical World. She is using Light magic, Jean-Luc uses Ice magic, Mackenzie is Plasma and Lucky is Wind. They were having a good time defeating bandits and dark wizards, until... a dark essence Pretzel appears on Bluey's screen.

[Lvl 80] Pretzel: Well well well? If it isn't the blue b!#ch.

[Lvl 69] Bluey in a low tone: Pretzel!

[Lvl 53] Mackenzie: Hey Bluey, is somethin wro- oh no, not you!

[Lvl 54] Lucky: Bluey, we found an exiled. Maybe we can he- oh hell no. Not you!

[Lv 40] JL: Hey there Bleu, I found some of this...

He caught himself in a awkward situation.
JL: Did I came at a bad time? *Megalovania pla-*

Bluey calmly: Of course not Johnny.

JL: So... Who is he?

Bluey took a second before saying:

Pretzel, my ex-boyfriend.

JL gasps in a shock state.

Mackenzie: Wait, I thought he was just a rival of yours.

Bluey: Well now you know.

Bluey: Well now you know

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Blue: :|

Luck: :|

Kenzie: :|

Jean: :|

Pretz: :|

Bluey: Anyways...
What do you want, Pretzel?

Pretzel: I just wanted to say hi.

Bluey: Is that all?

Pretzel: And I see you have a new boy toy here.

JL: Bluey, I don't think I like this feeling about Pretzel.

Bluey: It's okay Johnny. Just, stay behind me.

Pretzel: Oh, I see that he's weaker than you.
Why even bother getting a sensitive boyfriend when you can just get one with one of your tough best friends?

Bluey: Because like that one dog said *As she held JL's hand*: "The world wouldn't be balanced if smart - smart and dumb - dumb." And it also affects strength, mental health, and much more. But we do have some things in common.

Pretzel: ...
Are you just gonna stand there and-

Bluey: Dynamic Light Blaster!

A bunch of LIGHT projectiles heading to Pretzel. With instincts, he immediately moves away from the burning lights.

Pretzel: Tch, about time you want to start a fight.

Lucky: Bluey, what are you doing?!

Bluey, not knowing what just happened: I, I don't know....
My avatar just shoots on its own...

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