Lv 19 Strawberry and Chocolate

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Bluey is walking at the park with her best friends and her BF. They're having a triple date, except Chloe. But then, she heard someone who sounded familiar to her.

???: Bluey!

Bluey: Huh?

Bluey turned her head to see her childhood friends. She gasp.

Coco: Hi Bluey.

Bluey as she hugs Coco: Coco! It's been a long time.

Snickers: What's up B?

Bluey as she fist pumped Snickers: Snickers! Hey! How are you guys?

Coco: Omg, girl! It's been like, SO long!

Snickers: It's good to finally see you again mate.

Both the b n b Labradors: Bluey, who are they?

Bluey: Oh, they're my childhood friends. They needed to move out when I was 12.

JL: Well that's sad.

Snicker: Oh, hi... Pretzel...

Pretzel: Oh, hey guys! It's been a long time, hasn't it? 4 years.

Coco: Yeah. So how are you right now?

Pretzel: Oh, I'm uh... Not that bad anymore.

Bluey: Trust me guys. We're friends now.

Coco: ... Alright.

Snickers: Anyways, what do you want to do?

Coco: How about we play hide and seek? It's been a while since we left.

Bluey: Yeah! We should totally play it! But.. with Nerf Guns.

As she had a dozen Nerf Guns in her arms and pouches of bullets.

Pretzel: Where... The hell did you get those???

Bluey: Plot.

They all equip the guns and the bags. I'll roll the dice to see who's IT. I'll do it according to the alphabet:
Bluey if 1, Chloe if 2, Coco if 3, Honey if 4, Jean-Luc if 5, Lucky if 6 Mackenzie if 7, Pretzel if 8, Snickers if 9, or Winnie if 10.
I roll the dice, and...

Bluey's IT.

She'll count from... 45.

Bluey: Okay. So here's the rules. The hiders must run and hide. The seeker will build a little tower here. If the tower is destroyed, the hider wins. If the seeker tags all of you by the seeker's bullets, the seeker won. When the hider shoots the seeker, the seeker will be stunned for 8 seconds. Almost forgot to mention. The hiders that have been shot can either join or stop the seeker. Got it?

All: :|

Bluey: ... I'll take that as a yes.


They all run and hide.

A few seconds later...

Bluey: 3... 2... 1... Ready or not? Here I come!

As she turned around, she already found Chloe.

Bluey: Chloe? What are you doing?

Chloe: Oh, I wanted to join you.

Bluey: Alright then.

Chloe has been shot.

Bluey: But don't do anything stupid, or even commit a violent war with Pretzel. Understand?

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