Lv 9 Spiders

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Bluey had invited her other friends to join her Minecraft server. Some of her friends barely know well about Minecraft.

H0n3yP13 joined the server

101Dalmation joined the server

10Brownies joined the server

Cr1ck3t joined the server

C0l0rful joined the server

Space_Captain joined the server

Bluey went to the spawn and greet her friends.

Bluey: Hey guys!

Honey: Hi Bluey.

Chloe: Hi bestie.

Indy: Hey Bluey.

Rusty: Sup Bluey?

Jack: Hey there B.

Winnie: Hi sister.

Bluey told them the rules and tell them to have fun. Chloe goes off to find a structure, Rusty's getting supplies with his two babes, Honey goes off to find Kenzie and Winnie is sticking with Bluey as she was going to find Lucky.

5 minutes later...

They arrived at Lucky's Minecraft house. Lucky was inside.

Lucky slightly confudent: Oh hey Bluey and Winnie.

Bluey: Hey Lucky.

Winnie: Hi Lucky.

Lucky: So, you're new to this game, right?
Here, I'll give you some stuff.

Lucky gave Winnie a full set of iron gears and a stack of apples.

Winnie: Heehee.
Thanks Lucky.

Lucky: Sure. No problem.

Winnie: Come on Bluey. Let's find a good place to build my house.

Lucky slightly wag his tail: Can I help?

Winnie: Sure.

Lucky wagging his tail normally: Great {Ooze!}.

Meanwhile with the Poly kids...

Rusty and the other two are prepared to go inside the cavern. Rusty wore a leather pants, an iron boots, an iron chest plate and a stone sword; Indy wearing a full leather armor with a bow; and Jack wearing an iron helmet, with a leather tunic, and a stone axe.

Rusty: Ready to take on the cavern, my friends?

Indy and Jack: Aye!

Rusty: Alright then, let's go!

They all march into the cave.

Meanwhile with Honey...

Honey kept looking for Mackenzie's name tag, but no sign.

Two minutes later...

She finally found a name tag says, "MackenCheezie". Honey then greet Mackenzie.

Honey shyly: Hi Mackenzie

Mackenzie: Oh, hi Honey.

Hearing him saying her own name already make her flustered.

Mackenzie: ...
You... ...okay?

Honey: HUH? Oh, oh, yeah , I'm fine, hehe.

Mackenzie: Okay?

Jokly3 joined the server

Honey: Huh? Who are they?

Mackenzie: Aw man, not again.

Blu3b3rry - Another one?

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