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The sun's shine brightly that day. People were walking down the roof-sidewalk avoiding the heat. The road was bumper to bumper. The street was crowded as people trying to get their lunch.

I sit at the corner of the study cafè, where less people would sit. My order came five minutes later after I ordered it. Midterm was just around the corner and my study scheduled was limited. I had to attend school in the morning and combat academy in the evening. Luckily, I had two hours before it started. That's the only time I had to study.

My father made me attend Combat Academy lessons, in hopes I could use those combat skills to protect myself when something bad happened. Although nothing bad ever happened to me.

I was too focused on my studies when I look at the time. Shoot. 15 minutes left before training start. The academy was 30 minutes walk and my driver couldn't picked me up today. Guess I had to run.

Someone suddenly turn up the volume of the television in the cafè. It caught everyone to hear the news showed on the TV.

A female reporter was reporting about a man in red sweater being aggressively violent towards other people. Later, the video showed the man was chasing another man in green jacket, the man was surprisingly strong and he bite the man's neck, blood started flowing down through the man's shirt, the crazy man killed the other man harshly.

The reporter continued saying that it was a rapid infections throughout the country. The Infected showed cannibalism tendencies. I frowned. As long as you didn't get bitten by it, you're safe.

Some professionals scientists found the symptoms after got bitten are their eyes turned black, their teeth became pointy and their veins became very visible on their skin.

I felt shiver down all over my body just by hearing it.

Another video showed the man in green jacket that got killed from earlier suddenly wake up, standing like nothing ever happened to him, except his posture were different, his eyes were black as if his soul was taken, the bite marks on his neck still visible. The video was cut before another scene happened.

Then the reporter suddenly got killed by what she just described as a 'zombie' before she could even finish talking.

I heard people gasped after seeing what happened to the reporter. Some got scared. Some were in denial saying it's a prank.

As for me, half of me saying it's true while the rest tell me it's not that dangerous at all.


A car crashed just outside the shop.

People were swarming the scene as I payed my order. I went outside curious about the accident when another car crashed into the crowd of people.

What is going on?

My eyes went wide. I looked at the scene. I hope their not badly injured. More people swarming in to help. I couldn't breathe when they pulled out a lifeless body out of the accident. Dead body after dead body. All the people that tried to helped the first car accident almost all died by the second car accident.

What the hell is happening? I looked at the other side of the street from where the car came from.

Nothing, just a crowd of people going about their day.

Suddenly I remembered.

I need to get to class, I could use the car accident as my excuses for coming late to class. Although, it's bad. The news suddenly came to mind. What if it's true? I felt shiver all over my body just thinking about it. I shook my head and I tried to push the thought away.

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