trade your dreams with mine

Start from the beginning

Quit exerting my body! I feel like I'll pass out!

"I suggest getting in shape if you're going to complain about it."

Okay, that's just rude.

She holds your hand and you two begin to walk. "You ain't have to run to get over here, y'know. I'm cool with waiting."

"I know, I just wanted to see you.."

"Aww.. oh, you don't have to answer, but what'd you guys talk about?"

"U-Um.. just asked if I was okay with the whole thing with those girls dying and stuff."

"Oh. About that.. I find it a little weird how they suddenly died from a devil attack after what happened yesterday night."

"Yeah, that is weird."

"..Can I tell you something? It's a little gross."

"Oh? What is it?"

"I think I saw someone killing a bunch of people in an apartment when I was looking for you earlier. They walked out with a bunch of.. well, it looked like swords, but I only saw the bottom of it. I couldn't see who it was, though. Mighta been a devil."


She stays quiet and you stop walking. "S-Sorry.. that sounds kinda messed up to hear."

"No.. I'm sorry you had to witness that, it sounds pretty bad."

"Oh, I'm fine, don't worry. It's just.. maybe it was them who got killed and I saw it."


"Asa.. is there-"

You feel a heavy weight twitch in your heart. It feels similar to resentment. You can feel eyes piercing the both of you in the back of your head. You turn around and see multiple students staring at you.. no, more like glaring. They seem to all be in your class.

"Uh.. why are you all staring?"

They continue to glare at you, then their eyes become fixated on Asa. "Um.. do you think they heard us?" Asa whispers to you. You turn your head towards her. "Nah, they're across the street and we weren't talking loud. I doubt it.." You whisper back.

They start whispering among themselves as well while still staring. It starts to piss you off a little. You let go of Asa's hand and walk towards them. "Do you have a problem?"

They stop. One of them begins to speak. "Before they were killed, they told a lot of us that you two did something to Hanako! She bullied Asa for good reason, and she has the motive!"

"I killed her."


"I'm kidding, you assholes-"

"Y/N, cut that out!" Asa yells from behind you and takes your hand. She begins to drag you away. "Hey, woah, woah! Wait!" She doesn't listen. You whine a little and turn your head towards the students. "Quit spreading shit like that! It's ridiculous!" You yell at them. "Y/N, stop talking, you aren't helping!"

"Wh- ..okay."

"We'll prove it somehow! It can't be a coincident that they died AFTER THEY TOLD US!!!" One of the students screams from afar.

"I mean, they sorta have a point, but it wasn't us.." You mumble quietly. Asa keeps walking with you, but eventually stops and turns towards you. She lets go of your hand.





AFFILIATION AND BLISS [PART 1] [ASA MITAKA] [WLW]Where stories live. Discover now