russian roulette is not the same without a gun

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You take a bite of your burger as you watch Asa pick at her food. Yoshida is resting his elbows on the table, sipping a cup of tea. Nobody's really talking.

"Thanks for buying us food.. oh! I forgot to ask your name!" You say to him. "It's Yoshida. I'm surprised I ran into you and Asa.. must be fate." He says and puts his tea cup down gently. "I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet ya!" You try to keep a positive attitude.

"I was surprised, too.." Asa mutters.

"I'd appreciate if you'd speak up." Yoshida says as he adds a sugar cube to his tea.

"Asa. Play it off like you're shy." Yoru whispers into her ear.

I don't have to fake that!

"O-Oh! Sorry! Haha.. ah.. I-I said I was surprised, too!"

"That was awkward, not shy."

Shut up!

Yoshida's lips curl into a subtle smile. "You were impressive against that devil. I didn't know you had that in you. I'm guessing you're already experienced?" His eyes almost seem dead. It's a little intimidating, but not at the same time.

Is he trying to interrogate me?!

"N-Not really.. I guess it was just adrenaline.." That's a good excuse, right? Just instincts?

"I see." His smile slowly disappears while he mixes his tea with a small spoon.

That's it?!

The two go silent again. You look in between them. Are all of her interactions like this..?

"I didn't know you could fight good, Asa. I knew you were in that club, but I guess I never questioned your skills." You speak while chewing.

"Hey! Quit talking before you swallow your food, I've told you that already!"

"Sorry, sorry, it's a habit!"

Yoshida chuckles a bit. "How did you two meet?" He questions.

You both look at him. "We were paired together for a social assignment in class. We gotta write a poem about each other." You swallow before speaking, taking a drink from your soda after. "That sounds fun."

"We didn't really talk before, so I'm glad I'm her partner for the assignment. I wouldn't pick anyone else." You give Asa a smile.

Asa becomes a bit flustered. "Aww.. you're too sweet. I wouldn't either.. well, it's not like I'd have a choice, anyway. They all hate me."

"I never hated you, I didn't really like Bucky all that much. He made too many egg jokes, it stopped being funny after the first few times. Plus, it was just an accident." You take another bite.


"Yeah. You're right. They shouldn't hate me for that!"

"Asa." She looks over at Yoshida. "H-Huh?"

"Are you gonna eat? I bought it for you, after all." Yoshida interrupts.

"Sorry.." She fiddles around with her utensil and takes a bite.

"Don't be. If you don't have an appetite, you don't have to eat."

She swallows. "N-No, it's not that."

"Oh? Is something on your mind?" He picks up his cup and finishes his tea.

"Um.." Her eyes dart around and she ends up staring down at the table. His eyes remain on her as he tilts his head a couple inches to the right.

"Asa, say something!" Yoru yells.

She looks to her left and glares at Yoru. "St- ..."

AH! You almost made me talk out loud! Quit talking to me!!!

AFFILIATION AND BLISS [PART 1] [ASA MITAKA] [WLW]Where stories live. Discover now