chapter 15 who is Maverick wingman

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The next day cyclone was talking about the mission and then the screen made a sound and then cyclone said who the hell that that my dad I said and then all of a sudden Cece was in here and payback picked her up and place her on his lap.

Nice phoniex said and I wonder why dad was up there and then Cece said Mr payback why daddy up there Mr payback good nickname little girl coyote said and picked her up and she sat on coyote lap and hangman started to mess with her and then the timer started and then my dad made the target and we all stand up and Cece went over to Hondo where she sat on his lap and then I brought her over to dad and then she said daddy and ran up to him and picked her up and cyclone led him to his office and dot came to me listen I told my dad not to let go your dad I'm really sorry and he thinking about sending me to Florida where my mother lives and yeah and good luck on the mission thank you dot and I hugged her tight wait your mom lives in Florida yeah my parents spilt up when I was 5 and I lived with my mom for a bit until she started sick and I had to move to live with my dad and yeah.

Then dad came out and told me it was time to go and I said goodbye to dot and then me dad Vicky Abigail and Cece went to the hard deck and me and dad saw hangman and Vicky in tears and kissing and saying goodbye it broke my heart and dad as well Abigail was over with some teenager and then we're hugged and in tears and then Cece was in dad arms and then he went to penny and they went outside and dad hand me Cece and then when he and penny came back we went home.

I was in my room when dad came in hey hey baby girl he said are you ok I said yes you baby he said I guess what up I said please don't get mad he said ok what is it I said with a worried face I don't want you to fly this mission he said and what I heard I said what dad no I want to fly it and I looked away from him so he doesn't see me in tears baby look at me he said and I did do you think I want to loose you he said no I said he took my hand so I want to keep you safe you know that he said yeah I know but you need to do this for me ok what is it have Bradley as your wingman why baby he said you pulled his paper and I don't know why you did I said.

Then he said sit down baby ok I made a promise to Carole that I would get him away from flying cause she doesn't want him to end up like goose so you made a promise to Carole that I would get him away from flying and I wanted to keep you safe as well so I pulled your paper as well and he pushed back my hair from my ear and I couldn't help but cry and I hugged dad tight and he hugged me back I love Em&m and I looked up did you just call me my nickname that you gave when I was little yeah is it a problem no it not a problem and I hugged him again I love you too dad and he stroked my hair and he left my room and I remember when we found out Carole died

Flashback 2001
I was in my room doing homework when I heard a tapping sound on my window it was Bradley and he had tears in his eyes and I opened my window brad what wrong my mom what she in the hospital what I said and we go now and I ran downstairs where I found dad holding 3 month old Vicky and making her formula and I told dad we needed to go to the hospital because of Carole and I passed him the keys and we made it to the car and me and Bradley was in the back with baby Vicky and we made it to the hospital dad was holding Vicky and we went to the front desk excuse me sir we are here for Carole Bradshaw are you family yes I am her brother and I have my daughters and her son ok her room is 3 floor room h05 ok thank you and we got on the elevator and we made it to aunt Carole room and Bradley wanted a minute before going in and when he was ready we went in and aunt Carole was smiling at us and we smiled back and she told me and Bradley to all was be best friends forever and to never let go and she was playing with baby Vicky hands I love you all 4 of you and then it started to beep and then Bradley started to cry and I cryed as well and dad cryed too and the ride home was quite and Bradley and I was laying on my bed and then he said I love you Em what is said I love a lot since we were kids me too and we kissed and it was so romantic.

Like Father Like Daughter Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora