chapter 12 Iceman dead

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The next day I woke up to my phone and started to ring and it was phoenix hey what up hey so are you going to work today yeah I am why because it the big practice right ok and it was 7:00 o clock I got up and got changed and I went into my dad room and Abby was sleeping with him and I woke him up hey dad wake up dude what is it it time remember we have to be at top gun early right Abby coming with us why because I can't leave her home alone ok come on and I went into the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth and I went downstairs to get something to eat I got a avocado toast with wine and Abby came downstairs to and made a fruit smoothie and dad came down with Cece and he had a hair brush in his hands and did Cece hair and put a ponytail in her hair and got her change and made her a peanut butter toast and a cup of orange juice and he got the other up and Vicky came downstairs ready to go are you going to eat something before you leave I get something on the way ok have a good day you too and junior got a apple and water bottle and Brooklyn got some jelly toast with chocolate milk and we all left.

When we got there I sat next to fanboy and payback and Admiral Bates called for my dad and he said we have 1 week left to face 2 it the most difficult dose of the mission it a pop up strick for the stip diver quite to listen to 2 second miracle 2 pears of 18 welled team work so it was rooster, phoniex and bob, fanboy and payback, hangman and hangman, Hawkeye and black widow, me and Stormy.

Fanboy got the laser bomb on the box and then phoniex  nearly destroyed  the target and then hangman and rooster missed the target that a miss hangman said hahahaha you missed I said and then dad smacked my head hey stop it damn it rooster said talk to me bob phoniex said second late we got to move cope coyote said wait who that bob said worried blue team you been spotted shit it Maverick coyote said what the hell is he doing her phoniex said blue team what are you going to do it 20 miles left 10o clock bob said your call what do you want to do coyote said counite were close phoniex said stay on target she said ready on that laser bob she said I'm on it blue team were closing having now talk to me bob where Maverick coyote said he 5 miles down he coming fast target inside phoniex said where my laser bob coyote said dead eye dead eye it no good sorry I can't lock were out of time and bob pulled the laser damn it missed coyote said blue team that a fail dad said level out coyote dad said coyote cope coyote coyote come in coyote level weeks he is in Glock coyote coyote he going to burn in I'm going after him dad said.

Then black widow started to scream COYOTE no no no and she broke down me and Hawkeye and Vicky  try to calm her down it okay Brenda it ok how is it ok huh my boyfriend is about to die and you think that ok calm down Hawkeye and black widow have known each other since grade school and became best friends and then bob scream our engine is on fire shutting off fire engine pushing fire right engine is out try to restart it oh my god were on fire we're on fire damn it push out push out I can't control it eject, eject, eject and then they eject and I was laying my head on rooster lap and Cece was with my dad.

Then my dad walked in and Cece was in his arms asleep phoniex and bob are in the hospital for a night dad said  that good Bradley said I never lost someone new flying with ease for you to say no wife 8 kids, that you barely know you were all burned in gone just get some sleep dad said  why you pull my paper at the academy why did you stand in my way Bradley yelled Bradley stop I said not now Emma you weren't ready dad said ready for what huh ready to fly like you Bradley said no ready forget the book trust your instincts don't think just do you think up there your dead believe me dad said  my dad believe you I'm not going to make the same mistake Bradley said Bradley stop and then he smack me and my dad looked at me wide eye and Bradley just stand there Em Em I'm so sorry I never met to hit you and I just walk out of there and tears were in my eye and I ran outside and when into my bike and when I reach home I ran upstairs to my bed and cryed my heart out and then 30 minutes later my dad came in and he called for us.

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