chapter 8 The hangar

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When we got there my dad picked me up and took me to the couch he has there ok babe so here are some books and magazines for you ok and he left and Cece passed him some tools for the plane to work on.

Maverick pov
So I'm fixing a plane and Cece pulled my shirt for my attention.

Yes baby can help you but you are help baby I want to fix the plane I guess just watch how daddy does it.

She nodded her head and she did a good job but got car grease all over herself baby your a mess my bad ok let clean you up I picked her up and went over to the sink to clean her up and I got a wash rag and put warm water on it and wash her good she loves to look at the picture when I wash her by the sink and then she asks who the man was in the photo holding Emma as a toddler that goose Emma godfather and my best friend.

Oh can I have juice daddy she said sure baby ok let me get your cup and I will get you some juice ok apple juice or grape juice or cranberry juice apple juice please ok and one beer for me and a glass of root beer for Emma here you baby thank you ok here Emma one glass of root beer ok thank you dad now daddy going to fix the plane ok so go play be careful ok ok daddy Cece said and then she started to play airplane.

Then someone walk in it was Riley where Abigail I need to talk to her she in there on the phone why I just need to ok and then 10 minutes later he left and I went in to check on her and I found her crying so I ran up to her baby what wrong then she said he broke up with me what Riley broke up with me your serious right yeah and she stand up and I pulled her to my chest and I gave a soft kiss and saying I am so sorry for this baby, boy are stupid what your boy I mean your age are stupid ok.

Then Brooklyn came in uh dad yeah there some guys here ok I will be out in a minute ok and it was Riley friends what do you boys want where Abby she in there crying why we want talk to her sir fine but if my daughter crys more when I get in there you all are in Trouble got it yes sir.

And then I took them to the trailer where she was and then 5 minutes later they left and then when I went in to check on her she passed out on the little bed there was on there and I picked her and placed her on my lap and an hour later she woke up hey baby how you sleep ok I guess what you and the boys talking about they wanted to say sorry for me and Riley oh ok do you want to go home what time is it 2 o clock ok and then I pick up Emma and then got Cece and we went home.

I went to check on Vicky Aria and someone was in the shower and I sounded like a man and woman and open the shower curtain and I saw hangman and Vicky shower dad what are you in here I cover Cece eyes baby go play ok and I got hangman out of here and then Vicky was changing in her room and I took her downstairs Victoria what were you and hangman doing in the shower and where Aria she at a friend's house which friend that nerdy one Barb oh Barb ok give me one second I got my phone out.

Hello, hey Susan it Pete Aria dad hey Pete how are you I am doing good what about you fine I guess so what up is Aria there with Barb gimme one second Barbara yeah is Aria with you no she said no ok alright bye. She not with Barb then I don't know and then 1 hour later Aria came out Aria sky Mitchell where have you been I was at Olivia house seriously you could not call me no I am sorry I couldn't call my phone died and I was helping her with a project for school ok next time call me ok fine dang.

Emma pov
I was sitting in my room reading a magazine and then my phone start ringing and it was an unknown number hello hi is this Emma Mitchell yes why it me Jane kerner omg hi how are you good so what up so I am engaged you are congratulations thanks and I was wondering can you be my maid of honor me yeah I know I known Mandy since we was little but your bestes friend so can you yeah sure ok bye bye.

Then dad came in who was that Jane sliders daughter that nice hey listen dinner is going to be ready an over 2 hours ok ok and then the door knock I will get that.

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I left Emma's room to get the door and to my surprise it was Riley what do you want can I talk to Abby no no you can not talk to her please sir no you broke her heart and I don't want to see my baby girl heart broken so leave please no good bye I slam the door on his face and then Abby was all dressed up hey hey where are you going out with who my friends who was at the door your ex Riley what did he want to talk to you ok bye love you love you too heh what now be back at 6 o clock ok bye.

Abby pov
I was leaving the house when someone covered my mouth it was Riley baby please can we talk no good bye please fine listen someone dare me to break up with you because she hates our relationship between us so can I have you back of course ril and we make out.

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When I was getting Aria to come in I caught Riley and Abby making out hey hey hey what is this you get away from her now get out and I brought her in what the hell were you doing with Riley I can explain why you were making out with Riley your in Trouble and I saw tears running down her face someone dare him to break up with me ok there I said it and she ran upstairs to her room Abby baby ok and then I went upstairs to her room I knock on her door Abigail what do you want can I come in go away baby come on please fine come in she walked over and she hugged me and I picked her up and hugged her tight it ok baby it ok and stroked her hair I am going to hell for making out no your not why would you say that because that what a girl said that if I make out with someone I go to hell will that a lie ok I kiss her cheek and took her to my room I just laying her down and rubbed her back it ok baby it ok and then we passed out and when I woke up it was 1 in the morning I saw Abby was sleeping on my bed and she was on me and I gave her some blanket and went downstairs to get a beer and I saw junior downstairs and when he saw me and just glared at me and was about to go upstairs but I grabbed his arm what your deal son nothing good night and just went to get a beer and I sat down and drank my beer until I heard someone coming down the stairs it was Cece Cece baby what are you doing up I can't sleep oh well do you want something to drink yeah can I have some of your beer are you 21 or older yes can I see you id I lost my id nice try ok do you want some water yes please ok I fill her sippy cup with water and she had her grabbing hand mean she want me to hold her ok baby do you want to lay with me and sissy yeah ok I picked her up and took her to my bed and put her to the middle of the bed and we passed out.

1985 Maverick pov

I was in the hospital room with the new baby and goose and Carole and Bradley came in hi Pete Carole said hugged me where is she Carole said she is right here and I pointed to the little crib she was in aw and Carole picked her up hi princess she beautiful Maverick thanks and Nick patted my shoulder congratulations mav thanks and Carole gave Nick to her  I got her something you didn't have to ok so when Bradley was born we thought we were going to a girl but it ended up being a boy so I got her a this pink and white strip dress with a bow aw it beautiful and Bradley who was asleep woke up baby that right brad meet your new best friend Emma Marie Mitchell I said do you want to hold her and he nodded and we sat him down and he kissed her head aw there going to be best friends.

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