chapter 5 the first day

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The next day was Thursday and I woke up about 7:30 to the sound of my dad waking us up he said rise and shine let go Vicky here is your uniform junior wake up it time to go jeez dad let me sleep and he grab Brooklyn pillow and threw it at junior hey what was that for he said mad wake up Brooklyn let go brook.

I got changed into my uniform and check my phone and there was a text from Mandy it said hey Em it Mandy listen I know I was not at work yesterday but please tell them that I need to take some time off because of my dad ok love you.

And then I went downstairs I got an apple and my vitamins and my glass of wine and then my dad came down hey what I said and he took my glass of wine away from me what did the doctor say no drinking wine while your taken your vitamins here he handed me a bottle of water ok I took my Vietnam and drank some water.

While I was eating my apple I started to chock on my apple and my dad saw and started to heimlich me and then slapped my back so hard it helped and then my dad kept on saying are you alright but I could only cry and my dad just hugged me.

Then Abigail came downstairs and dad got mad woah woah woah come back here Abigail Mitchell what now your not wearing that to school today after school detention so that doesn't mean that you need to wear that to school I need to get all of the boys attention nope change now into something that will show no boys attention whatever dad she said and roll her eyes and then dad left and I left and when to top gun and then I sat next to Bradley and phoenix.

Then we heard attention on deck and we all stand up and then admiral Bates came and said be seated you are all top gun graduates, the elite, the best of the best that was yesterday one of you men or women will be mission leader I have brought in the best pilot there is he is considered the finest pilot we have I give you Captain Pete Mitchell call sign Maverick and admiral Bates left and dad stand on the little stage good morning he said then I was about to pass out and then I saw Hondo there with Cece and then Bradley looked at me and then we left.

I walked with Bradley when my dad stopped Bradley and I was about to walk up to my plane but cyclone stop me Mitchell me and my dad looked at him which one i said the girl ok he what I am going to do Maverick your Captain Mitchell and black eye your lieutenant Mitchell got it fine what up my office now ok ok jeez bye rooster bye black eye and I got to his office black eye sit down ok I sat down do you now where sodapop yes she with her dad right now.

Then all of a sudden there door knock it was admiral Bates sir we got a new person and he brought in a girl who had short dark blonde hair and brown eyes what your name kid vilot cortell wait cortell your dad is cougar right yes sir what your call sign my call sign is Stormy ok Stormy you will be with Ms Emma Mitchell ok black eye dismissed hi black eye I am vilot I know wait what my dad and your dad work together what your dad name Pete Mitchell call sign Maverick and she shocked wait what your dad is Maverick yes omg if it wasn't for your dad my dad would not be alive tell your dad I said thank you you can tell him yourself he our captain for the mission omg yes ok here I can take you over to the locker room here the girls locker room.

here do you need help unpacking yeah thanks Emma yep and just then admiral Bates came in and gave Stormy her jumper and helmet and I took her to her room sweet ok get changed and meet me outside and we will start to fly ok and I went outside and then my dad stop me lieutenant Mitchell what is it Maverick where have you been I checked your plane and you were not in there and the girls locker room dad why did you go in the girls locker room because I was looking for you fine get on your plane kid ok sir and then violet came out omg your Maverick right yes ma'am and who are you uh I am Stormy ok Stormy I am cougar daughter the guy you save thank you for saving my father your welcome get on your plane and then my dad got on the ladder ok babe stay safe up there dad your going to be up there with me I know don't do anything stupid up there whatever dad ok bye bye ready Stormy ready and we took off. Then I heard my dad Good morning aviators, this is your Captain speaking welcome to basic fighter maneuvers working as a team you have to shoot me down or else. Or else what sir payback said, or else i will shoot back my dad said If I shoot either one of you down, you both lose what say we put some skin in a game payback said what do you have in mind my dad said whoever gets shot down first has to do 200 push ups payback said dude that a lot of push ups I said they don't call it exercise for nothing sir you got yourself a deal gentleman and I look at Stormy holy shit man hey language black eye and then dad shot down payback and fanboy and then dad shot down hangman and coyote hahaha there was 4 more planes me and Stormy, phoniex and bob, Hawkeye and black widow and my dad and then he shot down Hawkeye and black widow and then It was me and Stormy, phoniex and bob and dad was behind me hey em you might want to watch out and dad shoot me down god Damn it hey language young lady and we had to do 200 push ups then at 5 o clock we left.

When I got home I went upstairs and got out the shoe box I found and looked at some pictures there one where me and Mandy was 5 and we was at the beach playing in the water and there one of me and dad by a plane and one of me alone holding a sunflower and there was one when Vicky was born Charlotte was in the bed and dad was holding baby Vicky and I was playing with baby Vicky tiny hands and found one where I graduated high school with Mandy and Bradley and one with baby junior I was 21 and Vicky was 6 when he was born and dad was holding him and it was first time home and then a photo of my dad and 2 year old junior on a motorcycle and then a photo of when Abigail was born I was 24 and Vicky was 8 and junior was 3 when she was born dad was holding her and taking her home for the first time and more.

Then dad came into my room hun dinner ready ok I came down for dinner and it was salmon and rice I do like salmon but sometimes it tastes dry we were all talk so a friend of mine invited me and some of you guys to church with him and his family are you guys free on Sunday Emma can't I made plans with rooster ok Vicky I going on a date with who a boy name Jake but call sign hangman and then my dad sips out his drink hangman yeah why him I thought you were with Ryder we broke up oh junior I guess I will come to church Abigail I'm going out with Riley nope Riley can come with us seriously yep damn it hey language whatever dad ok Aria I got nothing planned I will go brook I got tutoring on Sunday right ok Lizzy can't I promise penny I would help her with a car problem ok Cece is coming aww why me because your 3 and be left alone at home fine Cece said with a sad face and we just eat our food.

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