Chapter 2: Practice

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Billie's POV-

Maya and i spent the whole of break together before i met up with Isaac and Ahmed, i play basketball with Isaac everyday, Ahmed is more of a sciencey type of person. Mohammed and Ahmed where twin brothers, both having green eyes and a slender body, except, Mohammed was a little taller. Isaac was tall, had those broad shoulders that girls dreamed about and adopted blue eyes, which literally made him Isaac.

"you coming to practice?" Isaac asked.

"wouldn't miss it for the world." i laughed.

even though he was much taller than me, i still felt in control.

"god, imagine throwing balls in hoops for fun." Ahmed rolled his eyes.

"at least i don't drag around chess pawns for fun." Isaac laughed.

"bro chess is such a shitty game. my brain hurts playing it." i scoffed.

"that's because you're dumb. chess is for smart people." he replied.

"and basketball is for hot people." Isaac prodded his elbow into me and i laughed.

after science was over, i had math, which was so fucking boring i don't even wanna talk about it. luckily my long hair is long enough to cover up my airpods, so all i'm hearing is slash playing his guitar compared to the rest of the class.

i met up with Isaac near the lockers, where we then walked together to the changing rooms. i quickly changed into my kit and joined him in the gym hall.

"yo Eilish!" Mohammed dabbed me up, "you been practicing?"

"definitely." i laughed, knowing that all i did at home was pig out on takis and booze.

Mohammed threw the ball at me, immediately coming in to tackle me, i swerved past him as Isaac came in out of nowhere, pushing the ball out of my hand, he gained control over it.

"where the fuck did you come from?" i asked, laughing.

i chased after him as he dribbled the ball, he aimed at the basket and missed as i swooped in to grab the ball. Mohammed and Isaac both behind me, i dribbled at full force to the opposite basket before taking a shot.

"fuck yeah!" i yelled, "that's how you do it."

"so you have been practicing." Mohammed stated.

"a little." i smirked.

we continued going around with it until we where all tied up with one point each. usually we go on until the end of lunch, but until Miss Rivera walked in the game kinda ended.

she took a seat by the bleachers and began eating her lunch, which was only comprised of a small bowl of salad.

i hadn't realised her yet and continued playing my little game, when i caught a glimpse of her i lost focus, causing Isaac to swoop in and snatch the ball. it's not often we get company while we play, and for it to be from her was an achievement to say the least.

"B! you good?" Mohammed asked, giving up after Isaac scored.

"yeah, i'm good. i'll be right back." i said.

Unrequited LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora