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Two years ago

The wheels of my carry-on whirred as I made my way down the carpeted hall. I checked my phone again before scanning the metal numbers on each door that I passed. These college dorms were a lot more spacious than the ones I was familiar with. But I guess that's what you get when you select a school that prioritizes athletics over academics.

That was the main reason Liam, my boyfriend, had decided on a college out of state. All the way in Texas to be exact. Brite University had offered him a full ride as long as he agreed to play on their hockey team. That was a no-brainer. Liam had been dreaming of playing for a college and developing his skill set before getting drafted into the NHL. Then I would graduate and join him wherever he ended up and work for a law firm. We had it all planned out.

I paused near the end of the long hall. This was it. Taking a steadying breath, I parked my luggage next to me while I smoothed out the white crop top I was wearing. When I felt like my outfit was presentable I tugged my hair out of the bun I had put it in for the flight over here. While I had spent the better part of the day traveling across the country, I didn't want it to seem that way, you know? I fluffed at my hair, fingertips massaging over my scalp. My roots were screaming from being contained all day.

Then I raised my hand to knock.

I could only imagine what Liam's reaction would be. We hadn't seen each other in months. It had been winter break the last time I was able to put my arms around him. During that time we were home, we talked about me making the trip out to Texas to visit him at school. The plan was to have me visit over spring break, but that fell through when his coach organized another training camp for the team that same week. He promised he'd make it up to me, but I decided to take things into my own hands. For all that he knew, I was preparing for finals back in New York, just like I had told him. He wouldn't expect me to make the trip out and surprise him.

When no one came to answer the door I began to worry that he was out. I checked the time again. Perhaps he was in the shower? From inside the dorm room I could hear the faint sound of rap music. It was definitely Liam's taste in music. I tried knocking again, but I was left with the same result.

Well, this wasn't how I envisioned things going.

Pursing my lips I considered my next steps. Should I call him and let him know I was standing outside of his dorm room? That wasn't exactly the romantic movie moment I was picturing.

Down the hall, two boys peered at me from their dorm room. They exchanged curious glances that made me feel a little less than comfortable. Wanting to get out of the open hallway, I took my chances and tried the doorknob. My lips parted a fraction when it moved under the weight of my hands. I pressed further and pushed the door open.

The heavy bass I heard in the hall filled the main living quarters. The smell of body spray hit me almost as hard. It was pretty clear that there were three college aged men sharing the space. Leaving my carry-on by the entrance, I stepped through the kitchenette and over an old pizza box on the floor. I scrunched up my nose. The conjoined living room was just as gross. A pile of unfolded laundry sat in a basket that had been abandoned on the faux leather couch and the coffee table was littered with beer cans, solo cups and a few crumpled receipts. I sent a silent thank-you to whoever was listening that I lived in a sorority. Which, honestly, had its own host of problems.

The ceiling to floor windows that lined the shared living room was the only satisfying feature. Natural light filtered into the space and highlighted the dust that coated the hardwood floor. I turned my nose up at the limp sock laying by my foot. Where was he hiding? The two bedroom doors to my left were wide open. I balanced on the tips of my toes, rocking forward to peer inside.

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