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Author's Note: Yes!!! Do you know that theme I put up the top!!! I guess all of you know Indiana Jones!!! Right!!?? There is a movie coming out in the Cinemas, and I have got tickets to go there with my friends!! This was one of the childhood movies I watched, and I still do!! So it leads me to publish a book similar to it but with our Ship Pixane!!!! So Strap Yourselves In!!! And Enjoy the Book!!

By The Way, if you want to know what the start is like, well, it was based on the start of this... 

Zane POV

I was building some explorers to get this artifact; based on what they said,

It seemed important!

We had to stop our horse's half ways since we had to climb,

We soon entered the cave, and I filled up a bag with some sand.

"Well, this is it," I say,

"No one has come back out alive", The other Explorer explains.

One only came with me since he so wanted to join me in this,

Which sounds so strange because I felt like he was up to something.

Something bad!

But I knew that I had to be aware,

"Come," I say, and he follows behind me.

I soon looked around and saw the light, and I stopped,

This was no light. It was a trap.

"What?" The Explorer says,

"Just wait," I say.

I waved my hand in front of the light, and soon sharp spikes shot out from the rocks, and the Explorer screamed his head off.

I knew it!

I walked and saw a deep hole, 

So I took my whiplash off my belt and used it to make a rope to get to the other side.

I soon swung to the other side and gave the end of my whip to the other Explorer, and he swung but started to stumble, so I grabbed him by the collar to help him.

We soon found the gold Relic on the stone just in the middle of the cave,

Just as I took a step, some arrows started to shoot to the other side.

I noticed that I stepped on a strange shape that caused it,

I soon motioned to the Explorer, who was going to step forward and start up another booby trap.

As I approached the gold Relic, I did my best to dodge the strange shapes that started up the trap.

I soon reached the gold Reli,c but I felt like that was a trap behind it as well, so I grabbed out the bag of sand I filled earlier.

I took a few handfuls of sand out to make the weight between the gold Relic and the bag even.

I soon adjusted my hand, with one holding the bag and the other waiting for the gold Relic to drop.

So in one go, not thinking of second thoughts, I took off the gold Relic and put the sandbag on its spot quickly.

I sighed in relief after hearing nothing, not even any other trap.

"Got it!" I say as I turn to the Explorer, and he smiles,

I soon walk away, and suddenly I hear something, and I look back.


"Run," I say under my breath,

"What?" The Explorer questions.

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