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Two chapters left... more excitement!




// Yuugi to Yami Mind Link//

\\ Yami to Yuugi Mind Link\\


"Yami! Wake up, Yami!"

The tall, pale teenager groaned, face scrunching into a displeased grimace as his mind resurfaced from inky black unconsciousness. These voices... they were loud.

Very loud. Headache-causing loud.

They echoed and ricocheted with a sick sort of vengeance against his skull, making a migraine pulse with his rapid heartbeat. There were lights outside of his squeezed-shut eyelids. 'Where... Where am I? Yuugi... aibou...'

Scattered memories flew into his mind. Yuugi, fading in the Darkness.

A dream? A nightmare?

His crimson eyes flew open, wild and panicked. Yami shot upright with a shout of "Yuugi!"

Anzu, Jounouchi, and Honda reared back with surprise at their friend's sudden revival. Yami pressed a hand to is head as everything spun dangerously, but he still tried to stand up. Jou jumped in, and firmly pressed him back down to recline against Yuugi's bed, hands clutching at his skull while shapes blurred into a disorienting wad of nothing before him. "Woah, easy there, pal. Ya' hit your head pretty hard on the way down," he said.

Yami, hand still pressed over one eye to stem away the pounding nausea and headache, looked up at the blond incredulously. "What... What are you talking about?" he demanded softly.

Anzu interjected quietly. "We walked in a couple of hours ago, and saw you just... fall over, in a dead faint," she explained, face lined with concern.

'A few hours?' Yami thought, confused. 'How did I pass out? Let alone for so long?' Yami rubbed at a temple, calming his pounding headache. He couldn't remember anything... Wait- he remembered arguing... With Jounouchi. When was that? Yesterday?

Anzu's voice broke into his thoughts. "What happened, Pharaoh? You..." her eyes widened in rememberence, then extreme anxiety. "You've been eating right? Because... last time..."

Honda and Jounouchi mirrored her expression, and they all stared intently at the former pharaoh intently. Yami grimaced at the memories. The ones of the last time he had failed his hikari.

Caught in a storm of extreme depression, Yami refused to eat. Not only was he never hungry, but anything he forced down just forced its way back up within the hour. He didn't- couldn't- sleep. Whenever he managed to fall into the world of dreams, they were horrid nightmares. He'd wake himself with his own screaming and tears.

Anzu had been forced to shake him awake on a few occasions, and Yami had almost sent everyone within a twenty-foot radius to the Shadow Realm in his fog of terror.

He also became angry. And extremely emotional. The smallest of things would set him off. The simplest of reminders of his failure to protect Yuugi, instilling unimaginable rage. Yami had spent more time in tears than he'd like to admit to the others. What they saw was only a small fraction of what he was really feeling. He'd almost killed Weevil once because of it, for Ra's sake! (Not the the narcissistic prick didn't deserve it- taunting him and his Little One like that. The bastard was lucky Anzu was there to stop him!)

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