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( KING AND COURT made the journey to Driftmark to bear witness at Lady Laena Velaryon's pyre, many on the backs of their dragons. So many dragons were present that Septon Eustace wrote that Driftmark had become the new Valyria. 

Prince Aemond, remained dragonless, but His Grace had hopes of rectifying that, and had put forward the notion that perhaps the court might sojourn at Dragonstone after the funeral. A wealth of dragon's eggs could be found beneath the Dragonmont, and several young hatchlings as well. Prince Aemond could have his choice, 

"If the lad is bold enough."  ) 


PRINCESS CAMAELA STOOD AT THE EDGE OF THE VAST DRAGONPIT, her heart fluttering with a blend of anticipation and longing. Her gaze fixated on the figure that moved gracefully within the pit, a shimmering apparition bathed in rose-golden hues. Lady, her beloved she-dragon, had returned from the darkness of the pit, her scales catching the sunlight in a radiant display.

Camaela's heart quickened as she approached the pit, her steps guided by an invisible thread that linked her soul to that of her dragon companion. Lady's eyes, a gleaming reflection of the morning sky, met Camaela's gaze, and a silent understanding passed between them, a language unspoken yet deeply profound.

As Camaela entered the pit, a gentle breeze ruffled her hair, carrying with it the scent of earth and dragonfire.  With each step, she drew closer to Lady, the anticipation building like a crescendo in her chest.

Camaela's hand reached out, her fingers brushing against Lady's scaled snout, her scales were warm beneath her touch. Her horns and spinal crest, rose-gold like the first blush of dawn, caught the sunlight in a dazzling display, casting a warm glow upon the pit.

"Hello my gentle Lady," she whispered softly, approaching her nose softly to touch her she-dragon's snout. As Camaela's touch lingered, Lady emitted a soft, melodic purr. 

Princess Camaela's reunion with Lady was soon joined by another remarkable sight. Aegon, his gaze alight with excitement, strode into the Pit, his steps purposeful. He was flanked by the imposing form of Sunfyre, his mighty dragon, whose scales shimmered with a brilliance that seemed to capture the very essence of the sun. Sunfyre's scales were a blazing golden hue, a stark contrast to Lady's rose-gold, and they seemed to reflect the very essence of fire.

Camaela couldn't help but bristle at the sight of him, her own emotions entwining with the bitterness that seemed to emanate from him.

Their eyes met briefly, and the exchange was a testament to the unspoken grievances that simmered beneath the surface. Aegon's features held an air of nonchalance that grated against Camaela's sense of propriety. It was a reflection of their strained relationship, a reminder of the lingering resentment that had festered since Camaela decided she did not want to venture into the city with him, and left him waiting.

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