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( ONCE his mourning for his wife and son had run its course, the king moved swiftly to resolve the long-simmering issue of the succession. Disregarding the precedents set by his grandsire the King Jaehaerys in 92 and the Great Council in which he was appointed the ruling Prince of Dragonstone, Viserys declared his daughter, Rhaenyra, to be his rightful heir and successor, the Princess of Dragonstone. Hundreds of lords travelled to swear fealty to the young princess as she stood by the base of the Iron Throne, swearing oaths to honor and defend her right of succession. Unbeknownst to most of them, an oath to be broken years from now, where they would instead place her brother, Aegon II on the very throne they swore to put her on. After all, the word of men was just that, a word. )


THE KING SPENT EVERY MOMENT WHEN HE WASN'T IN A SMALL COUNCIL MEETING WITH HIS NEWBORN BABE. Doting on her, the fondness he felt for his young daughter sparked not only the lords and ladies of court, but her still mourning sister.

Her joy of being declared her father's heir, and future Queen of the Seven Kingdoms was short lived especially when her lady-in-waiting and her dear friend, Alicent, urged her to try and visit her sister (Rhaenyra bluntly refused in the six moons after her mother's death to visit her sister).

"The lords and ladies say that she has your mother's eyes," Alicent whispered softly as she brushed the silver locks of her friend, looking at her blunt expression through the glass. "Others say that she has the most beautiful mismatched eyes."

The princess scoffed loudly, detaching herself from her friend and taking swift steps to her bed to seat herself on the soft silk. "None of them have seen her, my father has forbidden anyone to approach her quarters within miles. How would they know?"

Alicent huffed softly and sat next to her grabbing her hand and shaking it in slow motions. "But you can," she pointed out. "The maesters say that the princess may not survive infancy, but she might have a chance. Rhaenyra your sister lost her mother, she will never know what it means to have one⎯"

"⎯because she's the one who tore through her womb!"

"She will never experience the touch of a mother, or the kiss of a mother, or the love only a mother can give!" Alicent was trying too hard to reason with her. She understood her pain, having lost her own lady mother. But she didn't understand her stubborness.

"Neither will I, not anymore. No thanks to her."

Rhaenyra's insides were burning with an unspeakable agony. She was afraid, she did not want to lay her eyes on the thing that orphaned her. She would never say it loudly for her friend⎯ or father to hear. But she was frightened of loving her. Because she knew. What Rhaenyra loves, turns into ash. She was trying to spare her, she was trying to let her live. Because if she loved her, she would kill her.

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