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( THE RED SPRING CLAIMED YET ANOTHER SOUL, a day and a night of labor left Lady Laena Velaryon pale and weak, but she finally gave birth to the son Prince Daemon had so long desired, but the babe was twisted and malformed, and died within the hour. Nor did his mother long survive him.

Lady Laena Velaryon died a dragonrider's death, during her final hour, it is said, she rose from her bed and made her way from her room intent on reaching Vhagar that she might fly one last time before she died.

Lady Laena died by her dragon's side, ingulfed in her own flames. )


THE SUN BATHED THE GARDENS OF THE RED KEEP IN A WARM EMBRACE, casting dappled shadows upon the vibrant tapestry of flowers and verdant foliage. Camaela's strolled along the garden paths, her flowing gown of royal purple billowing softly with each step. Her golden locks, adorned with delicate silver ribbons, cascaded down her back, framing her face. Her delicate hand brushed against the petals of a crimson rose, its velvety touch sending a soft shiver of pleasure through her slender frame.

Beside her, stood her lady-in-waiting, her gentle eyes surveying the small and delicate movements of the princess. Lady Cassandra's raven-black hair cascaded over her shoulders in contrast to Camaela's golden tresses.

"The gardens have blossomed into a kaleidoscope of colors," Camaela observed, her voice a soft melody that harmonized with the gentle breeze. "Each petal seems to dance with joy, as if celebrating the serenity of this moment."

Cassandra nodded in agreement, her stormy blue eyes sparkling with admiration. "Indeed, my princess," she replied, her voice filled with awe. "The gods have bestowed their blessings upon us, gracing the day with such exquisite beauty."

As Camaela and Cassandra meandered through the meticulously manicured gardens, their voices carried on the soft breeze. Cassandra's expressive hazel eyes sparkled with excitement as she spoke animatedly about her recent visit to Storm's End, the ancestral seat of House Baratheon. She regaled Camaela with vivid descriptions of the formidable castle nestled amidst storm-lashed cliffs and commanding breathtaking views of the tempestuous sea.

"Oh, Camaela, you simply must hear about Storm's End," Cassandra exclaimed, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. "The castle is a fortress of unparalleled strength, built to withstand the fiercest storms and the harshest of sieges. Its black stone walls rise defiantly, seeming to touch the very sky, while crashing waves crash against the nearby cliffs."

Camaela's gaze was captivated by Cassandra's words, her own curiosity piqued by the vivid images painted in her mind. She listened intently, a hint of a smile playing upon her lips as she envisioned the grandeur and majesty of Storm's End.

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