"It will be," Willem said, pouring the man a glass of water and pushing it across the table to him. "How long has Haro been planning this and was Prince Jorien aware of his plans?"

Bas brought the glass to his lips, wincing as he pressed it against his bruised lips. "Mr. Haro and Prince Jorien were planning to get rid of Prince Hendrik since King Harald announced your engagement and you were coming home," he said, shaking his head. "I don't know how much Prince Jorien knew of the exact plans." He glanced at Maia. "Your ex, Sven, knew this was going to happen. He was hoping you'd come running back to him once Prince Hendrik was killed, but Haro's daughter, Saskia, decided keeping you alive was too much of a risk. Sven's lucky she didn't decide to kill him too, but that's why he left."

"That makes sense," Maia smirked. "Sven wouldn't want to put his neck out too far for me."

Bas nodded. "I was there when Saskia decided to kill you. He made a half assed attempt to keep you out of it, but she threatened his career and he folded."

Mateo shook his head. Of course Sven would choose his career over Maia's life. "That doesn't surprise me," he said, threading his fingers through Maia's. "Do you know anyone else who was privy to this conspiracy?"

"Yes," Bas said, taking another gulp of water. "Prince Jorien's loyalists are all aware of his desire and plans to get rid of you before you could challenge him for the crown, but Councillor Bram Jansen was the one who drafted the memorial plans for your death."

Maia squeezed Mateo's hand. "They've already planned the memorial?"

"Oh yes." Bas nodded. "Prince Jorien is banking on the people mourning your death so they won't have any time to react to Mr. Haro moving in the leaders of his conglomerate."

Mateo raised an eyebrow. "And how do you know all of this?"

"I've worked for Haro for many years and I've seen this kind of take over many times." Bas sighed. "Prince Jorien is one of many high ranking officials he's manipulated and Oost den Burg isn't the first country he's infiltrated and it won't be the last. What happened to you and Miss Jefferies is just part of his formula."

A barrage of knocks sounded on the door of the shed and Willem's satellite phone blared to life before Cornelis, Gerrit and Demetri burst through the door.

"We're so sorry to interrupt, but you need to see this," Gerrit said, holding up his phone while Willem slipped out of the shed to answer his phone.

"What's going on?" Mateo said as Gerrit thrust his phone in front of them and his heart clenched at the protests filling the promenade of the palace.

"Oh shit," Maia said, digging her nails into his hand. "Is that Eline?"

"Yes," Mateo said through gritted teeth as the news cameras zoomed in on his sister's face leading the shouting and chanting crowds to the palace. "She started a riot."


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