Chapter 10

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Mateo looked over at Maia as he drove down the quiet country roads back to Crested Butte. She was gazing out the window at the bright snowy landscape and crisp blue sky. She hadn't said much on the ride back and he was nervous that he'd said too much when told her that she deserved better. Maybe he shouldn't have been that honest.

"Are you still okay with everything?" Mateo asked, looking back at the road. "You're awfully quiet."

"Yeah, I'm good. Sorry, I'm just in my head about seeing Sven again," she said, as her phone trilled. "Speaking of the devil." She sighed, glaring at her phone as she tapped a message.

"What did he say?"

"He wants to take me out to dinner when I get back," she said, tucking her phone back into her purse. "I told him I've already got plans tonight."

"Good," Mateo said, turning off the road to the shopping center just outside of town. "He should know that you're not going to stop what you're doing just because he's in town."

"Exactly," Maia said as Mateo parked the car. "I don't know why, but I'm nervous all of a sudden."

"Don't be nervous. If you think about it, nothing's really changing between us. We hang out and go grocery shopping together all the time. The only difference is we'll be holding hands while we do it."

"Yeah, alright," she said, smiling and he was glad for the change in her somber expression. "When you put it that way, it doesn't seem so drastic."

"Right? Now let's get something to go with that beef joint I want to roast tonight."

"Oo!" Maia said with her lighting up as they got out of the car. "Let's do garlic mash and parmesan green beans."

"Really? That's what you want with it?" Mateo asked, threading his fingers through hers.

"Mm-hm." Maia nodded. "That's what I want."

"I'm surprised you don't want your staple mac and cheese or au gratin potatoes."

"Nope, I'm in the mood for mash tonight," Maia said as they walked through the doors of the store.

"Fair enough," Mateo said, picking up a basket by the door before he leaned down to her ear. "You still okay?" he whispered, squeezing her hand and he couldn't deny how much he liked the way her hand fit in his.

"Yeah," she said, squeezing his hand back. "This is fine."

A smile was etched on Mateo's face while he picked out the potatoes and vegetables for their dinner. Maia wandered away from him, drawn to the sample counter and indulged in a few tastings on offer like she usually did.

He chuckled under his breath as he listened to her gush over the mango and raspberry cheesecake. He grabbed a few garlic cloves and fresh basil before he crossed the short distance from the produce aisle to the sample counter. "What tasty treat has got you so excited over here?"

"Oh my God you have to try this," Maia said, holding up a little square morsel of yellow and red swirled cheesecake on a toothpick.

Mateo wrapped his hand around Maia's and ate the offered sample and nearly chuckled at the attendant's wide eyes and whispered gasp of 'sweet Jesus'. "Oh yeah, that's really good," he said, turning to the red-faced woman gawking at them. "Is there a recipe for this?"

"Y-yes, of course," the woman said, giving him a card from behind the counter. "Most people just get the premade ones though."

"Oh no, where's the fun in that?" Mateo smiled, taking the card from her. "I love baking."

"And I love eating it," Maia said, slipping her arm through Mateo's. "Let's go get those ingredients, sir."

"As you wish, my liefje."

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