Chapter 29

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The morning bled into the afternoon and the remnants of the breakfast Mateo made was half eaten on the bedside table. He and Maia nibbled on fruit, bacon and eggs between their insatiable love making. Mateo nuzzled his face in Maia's curls and sighed. He'd never been with someone who satisfied him like this. It was why he had so many affairs and even when he was with Saskia, he wasn't truly happy with her.

Thinking back, he made himself believe he was in love because he was ready to settle down and she was just...good enough. Maybe if he wasn't so preoccupied with the idea of falling in love like the stories Maia weaved, he would've seen that Saskia wasn't who she claimed to be or loved him at all.

And he never thought he'd be so lucky to meet the author who stole his heart from that first book Eline made him read on a whim, nor did he think a woman like Maia would ever want to be with a man like him, but she did.

Mateo pressed a kiss to Maia's head.

And it felt so good to be loved by her.

"We can't stay in bed like this," Maia murmured, kissing his neck as she snuggled closer to him.

"Why not?" he said, sliding his hand over her hip. "I'm enjoying this."

"I am too, but if we keep lying here like this, I'm going to want you again and then we'll end up fucking all day," she said, looking up at him as she caressed his cheek. "I want to enjoy being a somewhat normal couple today before we have to go fight for your crown."

"I'd like that too," he said, sliding his hand over hers. "But we can still be a somewhat normal couple in Oost den Burg too, you know."

"Can we?" Maia raised an eyebrow and laughed. "I doubt you'll be cooking for me everyday and I'm assuming we'll have far more eyes on us in your country than the few paparazzi hanging around here."

"Yes, there will definitely be more eyes on us, but I'll still cook for you," he said, pressing a kiss to her lips. "And take you on dates." He kissed her cheek and dragged his lips along her jaw. "And love every inch of you," he whispered, against her neck and grinned as a soft moan escaped her lips.

"Don't do that, lekker ding," Maia said, slapping his shoulder as she pulled away from him. "You know that's my spot and I want to take you out today."

"Okay, okay." Mateo laughed, catching her hand as he pulled her back to him. "I'll stop for now," he said, curling his fingers in her tousled mane of curls. "But I'm serious, we can still be like this. It's not all about fighting for the crown. I'm fighting for you too."

"You don't need to," Maia said and the tenderness swirling in her brown eyes made his heart thump as she placed a soft kiss against his lips. "You already have me."

"I do," he whispered, sliding his hand down her side and cupping the curve of her ass. "But I want to keep you too."

"I'd like that," she said, dragging her tongue across his lips as she slid her leg over his hips. "One more time and then we're getting up."

"Whatever you say, liefje," he murmured against her lips as he slipped himself in her slick cove and relished in the sound of the sensuous moans she purred against his mouth.

"Whatever you say, liefje," he murmured against her lips as he slipped himself in her slick cove and relished in the sound of the sensuous moans she purred against his mouth

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