Chapter 13

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Maia laid awake staring and the wooden beams on the ceiling watching the sun cast its last rays. She'd been up for a little while contemplating when she'd emerge from this room. She was hungry, but also embarrassed. It'd been a while since she'd had a breakdown like that and Sven was always the culprit.

Looking over at her phone sitting on the bedside table next to the glass of water and aspirin Mateo left for her, she picked it up and sighed as she turned it on.

She grimaced at the barrage of texts and missed calls from Sven, but her heart clenched at the missed calls from her sister and the text urging her to call her immediately.

"Fuck," she whispered. Faye was probably wanting an update on the novel and the company was probably breathing down her neck for it.

Maia took a deep breath and called her. She was just going to have to be honest with Faye and herself. She needed a break and while Mateo was the perfect muse, she wasn't going to be in the right headspace to write like she needed to until she dealt with Sven.

"Hey, Maia," Faye answered. "I'm sorry I called so many times. I know you turn off your phone when you're in your zone, but I wanted to talk to you about your book."

"Yeah, I need to talk to you about that too." Maia sighed. "I... I hit a wall last night and I think I need a break. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. I'm glad you told me and it makes what I have to say a little easier."

Maia's heart sank as she gripped the blankets. "Are you dropping the book because I'm behind?"

"No, but we're pushing the publication date back by a year and it's not because you're behind."

"Why are you pushing it back then?"

"Well, it's actually for a good thing. Paramount is acquiring your Damaged Royals series for three films and a potential TV spin off. I've been in a bunch of negotiation meetings the past few weeks about it."

"Faye," Maia breathed as a smile tugged at her lips. "You know Damaged Royals is the one series I've always wanted to be adapted."

"I know, which is why I'm trying to negotiate the best deal for you and get you in the writer's room too, if you want?"

"Yes! As long as you're going to be involved as a producer too."

Faye laughed softly. "You know I'm trying to negotiate that," she said before hse let.out a heavy sigh. "But just so you know, Sven's agent has been pushing for him to be involved in this because of your history together and the fact that you used him for inspiration. His agent is trying to use your films as Sven's big break."

The smile on Maia's face fell as realization washed over her. "That's why he came out here," she whispered.


"Sven. He started calling and texting me a few days ago and then he showed up here, but now it all makes sense. I bet he thinks if we get back together it'll better his chances of getting the role."

"Oh that piece of shit," Faye huffed. "Yeah, that's exactly what he's doing. Are you okay?"

"Kind of. I saw him yesterday and I thought I was fine, but I wasn't. I had a bit of a breakdown last night and it made me realize I won't be in the right headspace to finish my book until I deal with Sven," she said, rubbing a curl of her hair between her fingers. "Mateo got me out of my funk and I still want to keep him on as my muse, but this book or any I write after it, won't be what I want them to be until I handle the reason why I've been in this slump for so long."

"Wow Maia. I'm proud of you. I don't think you've ever been this honest with yourself before."

"Thank you, but I feel so stupid for letting him get to me."

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