Chapter 15

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Maia woke up cocooned in Mateo's arms and a blush burned over her cheeks. They shouldn't have ended up in bed together last night.

But she was caught up in her emotions and his fucking mouth. She slid a hand over her lips as a tingle swelled in her gut. God, she'd never been kissed like that before and shit, she wanted more than just that feverish make out session.

At least Mateo had some self control before they fucked like she wanted to.

And why did she?

She was drunk, but not to the point that she didn't know what she was doing. She had no reason to keep up their act after they left the bar.

Maia sighed.

Last night Mateo made her feel like she was everything. Like no one else mattered to him, but her and she didn't want it to end. Faye was right to caution her about doing this. One emotional night and she fell for his act, but why did being with him have to feel so natural and so good?

And why did she keep lying to herself about Mateo not being her type?

Mateo stirred, sliding a hand to her cheek. "Good morning," he murmured, pulling slightly away from her and her heart thumped at the tenderness swirling in his sleepy brown eyes. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good. A little embarrassed," she said, laughing softly. "I might've said some things last night and I'm sorry."

"For what?" he said, caressing her cheek.

"For one, I took your shirt off."

A smile tugged at his lips as he chuckled. "You did."

She bit her lip. "And I stepped over all the boundaries we agreed to."

"Mm-hm, but so did I and I'm sorry too."

"At least you had the good sense to stop us though."

"I didn't want you to regret anything." He rubbed a curl behind her ear. "Did you sleep off the way you felt?"

Heart heart clenched. Could she really admit her feelings sober? And did he feel the same way about her?

"It's okay if you did, but I...I think I need to be honest with you," he said, sliding his hand from her cheek as he sat up. "I have feelings for you and I know we agreed not to let that happen, but I've always liked you." He clenched his hands in his lap. "Last night made me realize I want more than your friendship and if I feel like this, then I don't think I should fake this relationship with you anymore."

Maia's heart was pounding at his admission. "Mateo," she said, sitting up and sliding her hand over his.

"You don't have to say anything. I know I'm way off base and what you were feeling last night had a lot to do with your ex." He pulled away from her and got out of bed as he dragged a hand through his tousled hair. "I should...I should go make breakfast," he said, picking up his shirt from the floor and swiftly making his way out of the room before she could find the words to stop him.

"Fuck," she groaned, leaning back against the headboard and sliding her hands over her face. All she had to do was have the courage to tell him no.

Sleep hadn't changed the way she felt. She still meant everything she said. He made her happy and she loved herself more when she was with him. Mateo was everything she didn't know she wanted and if she was honest with herself, she'd always liked him too, long before she ever asked him to be her muse.

She slid her hands from her face and threw the blankets off. If Mateo was brave enough to tell her how he felt, then she needed to be honest with him too. Her emotions had nothing to do with Sven, but everything to do with Mateo.

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