Chapter Three

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Sienna was slowly opening her eyes, as she looked over to see the others still falling asleep. She calmly sighed and took her phone under the pillow to check on the time. "Hey, it's 4:00 in the morning." She whispered to herself, as she was getting off of bed. She strolled out of the cabin and stretched her arms. Sienna glanced over and the beautiful sun emerged into the sky.

Sienna was getting used to helping her aunt and uncle with the routine of baking some sweets before opening the bakery. She slowly goes inside the mess hall straight to the kitchen. She took out a few ingredients and began baking a few desserts. 

After a couple hours later. Sienna placed the dark chocolate cake and freshly baked macaron on the table. She heard an extremely loud sound, causing her to run out of the mess hall. She quickly caught up with the others who were tired. 

Cody walks over to Eva who was listening to her MP3 player and going to touch it. Eva angrily growls at him for touching her things. "Morning, hope you slept well." Chris responded with an arrogant smirk across his face.

"Hi, Chris, you look really buff in those shorts." Heather replied, waving at the host. Sienna stuck her tongue in disgust seeing Chris giving Heather the flirty winked. "I hope you're all ready, because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute." Sienna widened her eyes in shock to hear what Chris had just said.

"Oh, excuse me, I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast." Owen questions with a bright smile. 

"Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen, right after you complete your twenty kilometer run around the lake!" Chris sarcastically announced. Sienna groaned in annoyance, rubbing her eyes.

"Oh, so you're funny now?" Eva furiously responds, storming over towards Chris to beat him up but gets pulled back by Duncan and Geoff. "You know what I think would be funny?" She growled. Courtney goes over to whisper to her to calm down. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?!" 

Chris smirked back at the angry girl. "A little, you have 30 seconds." Eva continues glaring at Chris. Sienna signed with her arms crossed as she was lining up with the rest of the campers. "Okay, runners, on your marks, get set, go!" He shouted. Everyone including Sienna started running ahead. 

Sienna caught up with Tyler, DJ, Cody, Lindsay, and Trent. "Do you know how much longer, guys?" DJ curiously asked, watching Duncan and Courtney running past them. Sienna shrugged her shoulders calmly. "Who knows how long, but I'm sure we'll make it till breakfast." She answers back to him. 

DJ smiles back at Sienna. "Thank you." He thanked her. Sienna nodded, slowly taking out her phone to go on Instagram to look at any new post from Lila. She strolled down and groaned in frustration at the picture of Lila holding a new orange Chanel bag with a group of people in the back smiling. 

Sienna closed her phone and finally made it to the mess hall with the others. She took a seat and pulled out the sketch book. She began sketching the dress yesterday. 

"Nice drawing you have, Sienna. It looks very outstanding." DJ heartily responded, looking at Sienna's design. Sienna smiles back at him. "Thanks, I've been designing outfits for a long period of time." She thanked him, going back drawing the dress.

"He's right, it does look very awesome." Tyler replied, stepping in the conversation. Trent watches Sienna begin to sweetly laugh, making him smile at her beautiful laugh with his cheek turning bright red. "One time at my school there was a design competition being judged by fashion designer Gabriel Agreste." She began explaining, putting her pencil as she could hear Lindsay squealing in excitement. "For the objective this competition is to create a derby hat and the winner of the competition will have their design by Adrien at one of his photo shoots."

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