Chapter One

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Episode One

Sienna began checking a few things in my suitcase. "Okay, so far I have my clothes, notebook, sketchbook, CDs, pajamas, and more extra things." She finished checking off my supplies. She slowly closed down the lid of my suitcase as she quickly picked it up on the floor. 

Sienna goes over the top of her bed and grabs her second suitcase that has a lot of fashion design equipment. She then goes downstairs to the living room where her aunt, uncle, and cousin are waiting for her. "I'm set and ready to go." She calmly responded with a bright smile across her face.

Tom stood up from the couch and went over to her to pick up her things, so he could put it in the car. Sienna, Marinette and her mother followed Tom to get out of the house. As they were outside of the house/bakery they all instantly went inside the car after Tom was putting things in the trunk. 

Tom went inside the car and began driving directly towards the airport. Sienna glanced back at the house one last time before she looked back at her sister and had a conversation about the fashion design contest that is happening in New York City. A couple weeks ago, Sienna saw there was going to be a huge fashion design contest being held at the Hotel Lafayette on her phone and read through that every contestant had stayed at the hotel for eight weeks. 

Sienna smiles back remembering how happy she was that she applied for the contest right away and started working on the dress. Of course, she told her classmates and Marinette about it when she was going to New York City. Her friends and boyfriend except for Chloe were happy for her. That's until Lila made announcements to everyone that she's going to Muskoka, Ontario to be in a new reality TV show with twenty-two other people for the next eight weeks.

Sienna and Marinette on the other hand were suspicious that both the fashion contest and reality tv show were happening at the same time. "Where here, Sienna?" Sienna snapped her thoughts out as she heard her uncle,Tom's voice calling for her. She turned to see that she had already arrived at the airport.

Sienna took a step out of my parent's car. She looked at the airport with a small smile on her face. "This is it." She mutters to himself and watches her uncle handing her the two suitcases. "Thanks." She thanked her uncle as her and her family headed inside the airport to get checked in.

After the last couple of minutes checking in. Sienna slowly walked towards the waiting line and looked back at her family. "I'll see you guys, after I come back to New York City." She softly replied to them. Sabine smiles back at her and hands her the ticket as Marinette was handing her the mannequin and garment bag. 

"Don't forget to keep close on your things, since you could always be forgetful." Marinette said and whispered to Sienna's ear. "I still don't think it is a good idea for you to leave Minx back home." Sienna sighed and gave her sister a small hug before she headed inside the waiting area.

Sienna arrived at the waiting room with a bright smile across her face. She took out her phone to check on the time for her flight as she took a few steps to go to her seat and felt she hit something on the back. "Ouch!" She groaned in pain, quickly kneeling down as the familiar person did the same thing.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you, Sienna." Sienna hears a familiar annoying lying voice. She just avoided seeing Lila's smirking face. "I'm guessing you're here to go to Canada?" She calmly questioned, trying to look for flight tickets.

Lila rudely took two tickets from the floor and responded. "Yes, it's my chance to win and stay at this luxury hotel on the island." Sienna stood up as she was looking rather concerned. "I'm sure I'll make some new friends along the way."Lila smirked, secretly putting Sienna's New York City flight tickets into her jacket pocket. "Here you go." She handed Sienna the Toronto flight ticket. 

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