15. Chimon

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As I reached my table, I saw a bouquet in my desk. The president's secretary was already peeking at my desk.

I looked around and picked it up.

"Who kept this here? My table is not a dump yard." I said and threw it aside. I am sure this is a new way of bullying me after that meeting.

The secretary came and picked up the bouquet. "How can you throw something so lovely? Keep it on your desk. Also, the president doesn't like mess." She winked at me and walked away.

Is she the one trying to bully me? But the way she is giggling, it doesn't feel like that.


As I reached the cafeteria, the server filled his plate with more servings of everything and presented to him even before he could get into the queue.

"What is this?" Chimon asked but the server shrugged and walked away with a poker face.

"First the bouquet and now this. What is happening?" Chimon sat down confused but had his food nonetheless.


The same pattern repeated with my evening coffee and late evening snacks. My favorite snacks were on my desk before I could even think of going to buy it.

I am not sure what was happening. And it cannot be a coincidence if it happened so many times right? But my thoughts were interrupted when President left his cabin and walked to the elevator as the day ended.

"Have a good evening sir." I bowed to him.

The president nodded and walked away. I arranged my desk while I saw President's secretary, Kwan leaving too. She nodded to me before leaving.

I smiled recalling old days. At least this new position and floor made me meet people who treat me as a human and not a machine. They acknowledge me and sometimes even smile.

At the end when I called the elevator my phone rang with an unknown number.

I decided to ignore it. But it kept on ringing. So I picked up.


[Hey Chimon.]

Nobody apart from Nanon says 'Hey' to me. "Who is this?"

[Ow... I am hurt. Don't you have my number Chimon?]

I recognize this tone. Have heard somewhere, but where? "Since I don't have this number, would you mind sharing your name? I have hurt you anyway right?"

[Does it cost to talk nice?] He snapped. And that made me recognize him.

"Why are you calling me instead of your boyfriend? And how did you get my number?"

[So now you recognize me?]

"Nobody is as rude as you."

[Hey, have you heard yourself ever?]

I rolled my eyes. "What do you want, Ohm?"

[When are you leaving?]


[I... I mean... I want to buy some chicken wings for Non. And the app is not working. If you are leaving now, can you buy it?]

Weird! "Yes, I am already entering the elevator." I replied.

[He is leaving...] I heard.

"What?" It felt like he was talking to someone else.

[Oh nothing. Don't forget to get the chicken wings ok? Bubbye]

The weirdest call of my life ended without me being able to hang up.

I shoved the phone in my pocket and shook my head entering the elevator.

As I reached the ground floor, I walked out and swiped out for my out time.

I saw Mr. Beam in front smoking with other executives who all stared at me coldly. I still bowed to them and turned towards the direction of bus stand when a car stopped in front of me.

Wait. I know this car.

"Chimon..." The glass slid down and Perth ducked his head to see me. He gave me a very wide grin. It must be like a kilometer long. Blinding, bright. If I were a girl, I would have had a fan girl moment. But I am boy, and still it is overwhelming.

All the women and even a few men adore this guy and this smile which he is giving me right now.

"Can I... give you a ride home?" He said while I stood there silly.

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