1. Chimon

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27-year-old, robot-like mind, no dressing sense, oiled up hair, freckled face, square reading glasses, below average looking, average lifestyle and just above-average dreams

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27-year-old, robot-like mind, no dressing sense, oiled up hair, freckled face, square reading glasses, below average looking, average lifestyle and just above-average dreams. That would a perfect definition of me.

My name is Chimon Wachirawit and I am working as a Junior HR Manager in Bombshell Cosmetics' HR department. Initially I was hired because they were short on staff. Since three years they are trying to understand why a person like me is in a cosmetics company.

But thanks to my super intelligent mind that allows them to get me help HR and accounts department both effortlessly, they don't throw me away.

Although there are only two people who remember my name after three years of working in the same organization. Mr. Beam, my direct manager. And Mr. Anirat, our security guard.

Apart from that nobody knows me by my name.

They have many other names for me though. Names that are more words to describe me or my personality. Nerd/Dork for obvious reasons.

Rhino because of my head-butt personality. I really can't seem to accept bullshit easily.

Weirdo because they think I am weird. Well, how do I tell them that I feel the same way about them?

And the most common and used name is the one that I feel suits me the best. Mr. Ugly.

As I said, in a cosmetics company, I AM ugly. But I really don't care about it.

I don't care about anything unnecessary. Like the phone calls of my parents who ask me to get married soon. They are in a village 500 miles away from here, but still they want the power to control my life from there.

I don't know why do they feel like someone like me can get married. Honestly, girls turn me down as soon as they see my picture. Don't get me wrong. I haven't tried reaching out anyone. It's my mom who tries this.

I have accepted that I am no date material. And so dating and marriage is not for me. So I don't care about all that.

And then there are things that matter to me. Like my job. Even if my company wishes to throw me as soon as they can get someone who can replace me, I still do my job with complete dedication.

And secondly I care about this guy who is sleeping in the bunk bed below mine.

And secondly I care about this guy who is sleeping in the bunk bed below mine

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