11. Chimon

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[How can you leave the party without informing? The boss is mad. You know what? It's all your fault. So solve these proposals today and submit.]

I read the message for the third time and then scanned the pile of papers on my desk yet again.

The boss is upset just because a clown disappeared from an almost ending party? Right! Humor me!

I shook my head and started working on the papers when I heard footsteps approaching. I saw all executives getting into a meeting room.

Behind them I saw Perth following as well.

He stopped and turned to look at me.

When our eyes met I couldn't help but acknowledge him with a nod.

Last night after we left, he took me to a restaurant that served decent food that late in the night. On my urging, we payed half the bill.

He even dropped me to my house. And most of all, all the while we did not exchange a single word. Still it was comfortable.

All he said in the end while I got off the car was what is carved in my head now. I am going to keep that in mind.

Perth smiled at me briefly and nodded. All the females around me in other cubicles got up and waved at him.

Well, I can imagine it. They might think what is the point of a guy like him even looking in the direction of a guy like me. And forget about everyone, this is what I think too.

When Perth saw everyone drooling at him, he quickly went into the conference room avoiding all of them. I couldn't help but chuckle at the scene.

I could hear loud noises coming from the conference room. Like some serious debate was going on. I ignored it all and concentrated on my paperwork which wasn't even 10% complete.

"Mr. Wachirawit? Please go to the conference room." The peon asked me.

What is it now? Why will they want me in the meeting of executives?

Everybody in there hates me anyway. Especially after Por's incident, I am an object of natural hatred.

I dragged my feet forcefully to the conference room knowing well that there cannot be any good news for me in there.

As soon as I entered, I saw 15 pair of eyes glowering at me. It was just Perth in the corner who looked as tensed as I was. His expressions were like he was guilty of sitting there and looking at me.

"Mr. Wachirawit. Can you please explain the proposal you sanctioned for office parties without understanding the cost cutting in the organization?" The President in the middle said.

"Yes, Chimon, explain yourself. You have also allowed employees to have additional fuel and recharge reimbursements than the actual budget allows." My manager shamelessly added.

"I did what now?" I asked confused. If I remember correctly, I rejected all this and that was the first thing I got hated upon.

"Don't behave like this is a company meeting. This is not your home. You have been behaving as per your wish since day one." Another executive said.

I was about to open my mouth and argue when Perth got up. "Can we all please stop and hear him out first? Everybody should get a chance to explain." He said.

I looked at him and he met my eyes. And that's when I recalled what he had said yesterday.

"Chimon, this may not make sense to you but I will say anyway. There is a fine line between being selfless and being stupid. When time comes, you should take stand for yourself also. In airline instructions, don't they ask us to wear our own oxygen mask before helping others?"

I walked out of the conference room without a word. Everybody kept yelling behind my back but I did not turn.

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