10. Perth

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I reached the location where it was the company president's daughter's b'day celebration.

Honestly, I am never interested in such events. Especially with the kids involved into picture. But this is one even which h everyone will have to attend. Whether they like or not.

I took help from my help at home to pick a toy and pack for boss' daughter.

"Perth!" Mr. Korn greeted me as soon as I entered the gate. I had thought that if I will go late, it must be over. But what the hell is this nonsense? Why are there so many people here still? "C'mon here." He pulled me in to where all the higher executives were.

"Now take our picture. The picture will come out well with a handsome face in it." One of the directors said.

"Yeah, make Perth stand closer to me." The other one said.

"No way. He is better off in center." One of the other said.

I smiled but I was having an urge to smack that glass on each one's head.

I somehow managed to get out of that group after I said I wanted to greet the birthday girl.

When I gave her a gift she was crying with her tear and snot covered face because she was tired.

I don't understand what's the point in torturing kids? You want to party, why waste their b'day?

I sat outside in the lawn from where I could see a few kids dancing with a person dressed up in clown costume.

That clown pulled the b'day girl and gave her a glass of water too. I saw how the girl was actually hungry and thirsty more than being tired. The clown made her happy somehow and now she was dancing again.

I felt better looking at it all in front of me. But the only weird thing is the clown was wearing glasses.

What kind of stupid clown wears glasses?

From glasses, I couldn't help but recall Chimon. I looked around. If everyone from office is here, then even he should be here.

But why can't I see him?

And then it hit me. I turned to see the clown again and I couldn't help but notice how the physic matched with Chimon.

I clenched my fist and stormed in his direction. I held his hand and pulled him with me.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

Strange how I don't even need to see his real face now to recognize him.

"Change out of that hideous thing right now." I said.

He yanked away his hand. "What is it to you? Kids were enjoying."

I pressed the bridge of my nose to calm myself. "This is not part of your job Chimon."

"I am doing it at my will."

"Right!" I said sarcastically and held his hand again and pulled him.

He yanked away forcefully this time. "Who gives you the right to keep pulling me here and there whenever however you like? Is this part of my job too? To tolerate you?"

"Tolerate?" I am losing it. "I am asking you to stop being ridiculous for your own sake."

"Who asked you?"

"Nobody. I want to take care of you." I blurted without thinking.

"..." He looked at me dumbfounded.

I turned my back at him and immediately slapped my mouth. What the hell am I saying?

I turned to him again. "Change into your clothes, and I am dropping you back to your place." I said and looked at my watch. "I am giving you 10 minutes to change. Meet me near my car in the parking."

"But my bag..."

"NO NEED... to go there. I will bring it. Otherwise someone will pull you again and you don't know how to say no."

"How do you know my bag?"

How do I tell him that strangely, I know everything about him? "I just know it. Go change please."

I started to walk back to the house to get his back when he held my shirt from behind. I gulped. This was a first.

"Wh-what?" I asked without turning. I don't know how my face looks.

"About not being able to say no?" He said slowly. "Am I not going with you because of the same reason?" He asked.

I turned to look at his dejected expression.

Somehow that made me feel sad. "Chimon... Tell me no when I ask you to do something that makes you uncomfortable. Ok?"

He looked at me for a moment. We kept looking for a while after which he finally nodded.

"Can you get me a piece of cake too? I couldn't eat anything."

I couldn't help but smile. "I will take you for dinner somewhere. Let's get out of here before they call anyone one of us back."

This is weirdly weird. I am smiling. I am feeling good about this. I am not sure what is happening with me. But after I leave Chimon home today, I definitely need a therapist.

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