Chapter 26

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It seemed just like yesterday when he got the tiny baby in his arms to take care of. He was so tiny and fragile and cute that he had fallen in love with the little baby at once and had made the decision which had changed his life for once and all. He would never regret his choices of taking the infant in, who had given him so many precious memories and brought home two more sons with him.

But the boy had grown up now. Ready to embark to his own journey, to his own adventure in just a couple of weeks. Time surely passes so fast. And now that little baby is about to be 17. He wonders what would have happened if he hadn't got Luffy in his life. The way his life turned to a completely different direction was a miracle. He had never comprehended himself to be a gentle, caring and loving Dad. But today, he can proudly say he is the Dad of three kids, who are carving an amazing future for themselves and also for the world.

The last past two years after the War with Whitebeard had flew fast. But he had always known his hatchling will grow someday and leave the nest. The nest would become quiet, like they had all once wanted but never had preferred. The sounds of happy laughter, the sounds of the footsteps running in the hallways, the merry games and all those things would be gone. His kid will be going on a journey like his oldest ones.

"Dad!" A smile found its way on his face as the little brat came running to his office and slammed opened the door.

"Yes, Lu!" He responded getting off his chair and closing the album, where contained the memories of three little brats who have made their space in his heart.

"Come on!" The boy said bouncing in his place, full of excitement. "Ace-ni is coming!! Let's go!!" The boy held his hands and started pulling.

He chuckled as he let himself be pulled by the little boy to the docks, where his trusted friends and his other son was waiting for him.

"Dad! Lu!" His middle son, Sabo, called them waving his hands. "Hurry now! Or we will be late!"

And soon with the help of his powers they were off the island and to an inhabited island in the New World, whose address was only known to the three brats who had claimed them as theirs when Ace had mysteriously found it. The island was like the forest of Dawn Island, with large animals and large forest and a mountain. The Dusk. That's the name Ace gave it.

"Yo! Dad!" A voice hit his ears and a turn showed him Ace with his crew already settled on the beach. They had already started the preparation for the feast. He was thankful for his head strong kid for thinking so far. But it can be one of the crew mate who could have suggested that.

"Hello, Ace," He greeted the boy, who grinned wide to him. The change which Ace had reached to was unthinkable. The boy who only knew anger was now a man with a positive attitude towards life. He was glad of the change.

But then he remembered Ace's new quirks as he neared his crew mates. Seriously, he needs to ask his son's crew to take care of his idiocy or he is really going to ground him.

"Hello there," He greeted to the Spade Pirates who went still at his presence. He briefly wondered if Ace ever said about him to his crew.

"Guys, this is my Dad," Ace said with his hands on the back of his head. "The person I wanted you all to meet today!"

From the expressions of the crew, he was sure that his son had not told them about him.

"Seriously Ace," He face palmed as half of Ace's crew fell on their butt staring at him and shouting profanties at their captain.

"B-But you s-said y-your Dad was Roger," One of Ace's crew said and he was really surprised to know that Ace's crew knew about that.

"Yep he is!" Ace said nonchalantly with a mischievous smile on his face. "But he is also my Dad. Kinda adopted me and Sabo."

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