Chapter 21

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"We need to plan," Sabo said, looking straight at Ace. "We can't possibly think to fight and win with the entire crew of the Whitebeard Pirates vs us 22 pirates." Sabo felt giddy at the word 'pirate'. Being a revolutionary is awesome but taking a break here and there and being a pirate sometimes is even more cooler!

"We can knock out the majority of the crew with our conqueror's haki." Ace pointed out, doodling with a stick on the story, and Sabo feels like that can give them some hope to win. Even if it seems impossible.

"We need a backup plan though," Sabo said, and judging by Ace's reaction, he doesn't like it. "If we do lose then we can escape in your ship."

"But why will we lose? And where is Piece of Spadille?" Ace asks his crew who look at each other.

"Shut up, Ace!" Sabo smacks Ace on his head, hopefully, that would give him some brain cells. "It's only a backup plan and you do know, you are not ready to completely face off against an Emperor."

Ace sulks a bit, knowing deep within that is true. He isn't completely ready, but he doesn't care. He will fight and never run away from his enemy. 

"We are sorry, Captain..." Skull said seeing that no one was willing to say about Piece of Spadille, about their home. "Our ship is on the last Island, where we w-were defeated." The Spades dip their heads in shame at the feeling that their captain was kidnapped in front of them and yet they couldn't do anything. They couldn't help him. They are and were weak. 

"It's fine. Don't think about it." Ace tried to console, even though he feels bad about their ship but they will find it. Luffy who had been playing with Kotatsu looks at them with eyes filled with mischief, which Sabo and Ace can read even through their baby brother's cape.

"I can bring Ace's ship!" Luffy chirped bouncing on his place and the Spades look at him in confusion.

"Aren't you too small to travel in the waters of the New World all alone?" Banshee asks, from the other side of the bonfire, which was slowly dying.

"Don't worry, big girl!" The Spades burst into laughter at Luffy's nickname for Banshee, and Banshee's eyes twitch, and Luffy continues. "I can bring your home easily."

"Don't underestimate his size, Banshee," Sabo said, trying to not snicker. "He will be fine." It's also good for Luffy to get to his mother. He doesn't get much time with all the people surrounding him.

"So, anything else to plan?" Deuce asked and he shaked his head at that. It was time for sleep and they can plan tomorrow if they want and he does need to think. The Island can be used to their advantage too.

The Spade Pirates with their captain and his brothers laid together under the starry night and had a peaceful night for the first time in the week after being kidnapped and captured by the Whitebeard Pirates. Sabo and Ace take shifts keeping a watch on the crew and their baby brother. After all, they are still in enemy territory. They can't let their guard down for even a second.

The morning comes pretty early and by that time it was Ace's turn to take the shift. But they had other work to do too. Sabo shook Ace awake, then went for Luffy, who was wakened up by the promise of meat. Deuce was the last to be awakened.

"Take care of them. We will return in half an hour." Ace commands Deuce, who nods sleepily. They need to let go of Luffy early so that no one notices him leaving. They didn't want anyone to be suspicious at all. Not even the Spades for now. 

They walk to the shore and hunt down two bears. Ace cooks it and they eat their breakfast under the morning stars, before seeing off Luffy on the other side of the Island, where Moby Dick was not docked.

"I'll be back soon!" Luffy chirps from the surface of the water and waves at them happily. "Don't start the fight without me."

"We won't, Lu!" Sabo says, smiling at his baby brother.

"Take care, Lu!" Ace tells him and Luffy with glee dives under the ocean.

After the atmosphere in the Moby Dick settled, Whitebeard and his commanders assembled in the commander meeting room. The commanders were gossiping among themselves on what to do and what not to. 

Whitebeard cleared his throat to gain attention, after taking a sip of his booze. "My children, I assume you all know why we are gathered here today?" At the answer in affirmation, Whitebeard continued. 

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